22 Brutally Honest Truths About Life That Will Make You Improve As A Person
Dec 19, 2018
Life is hard. Living a good life is even harder. It's ironic but true. If you've been feeling unfulfilled, read these 22 pieces of wisdom and apply them to your life.
People Don't Care
Yes, it's true. You should stop being upset over this as soon as possible. Sometimes you learn it after becoming an adult and finding that people aren't that interested in your personal life. Sometimes you learn it after going through a life event that leaves you devastated, but your friends make it painfully obvious that they don't really care. After a childhood of being looked after by parents or guardians (hopefully), it can be a shock to find that your pain doesn't really matter at all to anyone. On the bright side, this means you can do just about whatever you want. People don't really care how you act or look unless you are causing them a problem or they can exploit you to benefit themselves.
Make Use of Your Talent
If you're really good at something, don't squander that gift. Make it work for you. Your life will be so much easier and you will be much more confident if you do what you're good at. That isn't to say you should only do what you're good at. You should also do what you love. Find a creative way to put your skills to use and you'll be self-actualized in no time.
Be Responsible
Once you're an adult you're held accountable for everything you do. Sometimes you are even held accountable for honest mistakes. You need to hold yourself morally accountable for how you affect other people before they do.
Death is the End
It sounds dramatic but it's true. You don't get another chance. Live now. As the kids used to say in 2012, "YOLO."
Don't Deny Your Emotions
Denying pain and fear only make them worse. It's okay to feel sad. This is especially true for guys. You will cause yourself a lot of heartaches if you try to be macho and emotionless your entire life. Don't hold it in. Feel it and move on.
Not Everyone is Going to Like You
In fact, some people will straight-up dislike you for no discernable reason. All you can do is try to be a good person. If you do this and people still hate you, there's nothing else you can do. It's their problem. One of the great ironies of life is that the harder you try to be liked the less you are liked. Most people instinctually avoid someone who is needy because they are likely to cause problems in the relationship. After all, why would someone be so desperate for companionship? It could only be because they are flawed and no one wants to be their friend. Right?
Time is Not Money
Time is worth much, much more. Money is replaceable. Time is not.
Stop Looking for Happiness
You won't find it. The search for happiness only leads you further away from it. It can lead you to fame, material wealth, sex, drugs, or religious fervor, but it will never be enough as long as you are still looking. True happiness is in contentment. Learn to love your life without the objects of your desire and you will find what you want so badly.
Money Won't Make You Happy
Of course, neither will poverty. But you will probably find the pursuit of wealth for its own sake to be unfulfilling unless you use your money to do a lot of good for others.
Everyone You Know Will Die
You have to accept it. Grieving is natural, but try not to be devastated over the losses in your life. The loved ones you are losing wouldn't want you to.
You Can't Bring Money With You
Money won't do you any good once you are dead. All that you sacrificed in your life for wealth will ultimately be for nothing
Remember Who You Are
When you're troubled, remember you are when you aren't troubled. Don't act rashly. Act in that person's interest.
Be Grateful
No matter how bad your day is, there is some silver lining to it. Try to cling on to that. If you spend your life focused on the negatives
Be Generous With Your Time
You could be a philanthropist and donate most of your money to causes you believe in. Or you could give people your time and energy and directly make a difference. The choice is yours.
Time is the Real Currency
Money buys you things, but you can't have money without investing time. Spend your time as wisely as you can. It's the most valuable thing you have.
Stop Dreaming, Start Doing
We all know people who are full of ambition and ideas but never bring them to fruition. From the outside looking in it's actually quite depressing. Stop making plans and start taking action. The world isn't going to give you anything (unless you're extremely lucky (which you probably aren't)).
Roll with the Punches
Life is stressful enough. Don't negatively overreact to everything that happens. Keep calm and carry on.
Invest in Yourself
Self-actualize. Be the best person you can be. This is the only chance you have. Think of the most ideal human being there is, and strive to be that person. But don't give up when the going gets rough.
Teach Others
We're all in this together. You can make the future of the human race so much brighter by sharing the unique collection of experiences and knowledge that you accumulate.
Live in the Moment
The Buddha says so. Don't you think he knew what he was talking about? Plan for the future enough to secure it, but don't fret about it. Learn from your experiences, but don't get stuck in the past. It is a tricky balancing act, but you'll find it infinitely rewarding if you can master it.
Don't Try to be Perfect
Realize you will never get there. You'll find it much easier and more beneficial to be yourself. Others will appreciate it as well.
Accept Death
Not ready for a dark night of the soul? Sorry! Contemplating and accepting death will motivate you to live your life. But do not ruminate on morbid things. Go forth and live now!
What did you think of these 22 truths - did they open your eyes? Let us know in the comments! And do you remember what this post said about sharing your knowledge? Give your friends a little bit of advice and show them this list. They might thank you later.