17 Anti-Aging Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow
Jul 10, 2018
Your skin not only is your exterior aesthetic to the rest of the world, but it also acts as an important barrier to protect your organs from the outside environment that you are exposed to on a daily basis. That makes your skin an integral part of your overall health. Keeping it looking good as well as healthy enough to do the job it needs to do for you means you have to practice a diet regimen that gives your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs beginning with these foods:
1. Fish with “Good Fat”
If you eat fish, your focus should be on consuming the right kinds of fish that will optimize your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids known as the “good fat” for your body. Fatty acids such as these are rich in vitamin E that helps to keep moisture locked into your skin and the appearance of soft and supple skin. It also helps with an abundance of zinc that alleviates problems with acne.
2. Nuts
A variety of this type of food is also chocked full of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids as well as vitamin E and high levels of zinc that lead to the same positive results for your skin. Additionally, nuts have higher amounts of vitamin B and vitamin C that act as anti-oxidant and anti-aging mechanisms. This includes folate which can prevent dermatitis. Eating some form of nuts every day, especially walnuts, cashews, and almonds that have the greatest amount of these properties, will help to make your skin look younger and feel smoother.
3. Avocados
This food is actually considered a “fatty food” that has the rich Omega-3 fatty acids, but it also has a special component called D-mannoheptulose, a phytochemical that has been shown to contribute to the accelerated production of collagen in the body. This reduces the incidence of dry skin as well as elasticizes the skin as the collagen creates a moisture barrier. Avocados are also full of carotenoids that protect skin from UV rays.
4. Green Tea
With so many benefits to green tea, skin health is another one to add to the list. The antioxidants in green tea (catechins as well as polyphenols) will help with any type of puffiness you may have as well as red patches on your skin. You can even take a green tea packet, soak it for a few seconds in tap water, and apply the packet directly to any area of your skin that is inflamed or red and see results almost immediately.
5. Kefir and Dairy-based Yogurt
Kefir, which is a form of yogurt that you can drink, contains healthy yeast as well as probiotics that reduces instances of acne, areas of redness, and skin irritation, even applying it onto the affected area as an exfoliator to give skin a fresh look. Yogurt in any form also contains “good” bacteria that attacks intestinal and stomach inflammation that may be the cause of several kinds of skin issues and prevent them before they can develop.
6. Organic Honey
Using honey in its organic form will expose your skin to all the antioxidants as well as antibacterial elements of honey. It is also a common component of face mask mixtures that you buy as well as make on your own because of these health benefits for your skin to reduce inflammation, treat dry skin, and help to reduce acne. Eating a teaspoonful of raw honey on a regular basis also contributes to maintaining healthy skin.
7. Blueberries
Any types of berries are rich in antioxidants that rejuvenate and repair skin when you eat them regularly, but blueberries have a special property, anthocyanins that help with collagen production and greatly assist your skin in continuing to look wrinkle-free and as young as it can be.
8. Citrus Fruits
All the citrus-based fruits are a good source of vitamin C, but oranges particularly are full of this vitamin as well as an abundance of water to help with moisturizing your skin. This will contribute to deterring acne as well as accelerating the production of collagen to avoid wrinkles from forming prematurely on your skin as well as keeping your skin taut and free from sagging.
9. Pomegranates
This fruit, although not technically considered a citrus fruit, is also very high in vitamin C, so it gives you all the benefits of a citrus fruit with the addition of ellagic acid and punicalagin that helps your body to store collagen more effectively.
10. Tomatoes
This is the “vegetable” that is actually a form of a citrus fruit, so it also has an abundance of vitamin C as well as antioxidants such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. These carotenoids help to protect the skin from damaging UV rays, preventing your skin from prematurely aging as well as becoming inflamed. The greatest benefits from tomatoes are after they have been cooked and the nutrients and vitamins stored in them have been released.
11. Green-Leaf Vegetables
Most people are aware of the general nutritional benefits of eating green vegetables, but our skin especially loves the multitude of vitamins (A, E, and C) that this food gives our skin. Vitamin C optimizes collagen production while vitamin A manages sebum in the body which is the natural oil produced in our skin. Vitamin E is a skin damage protector that helps with inflammation and wound-healing as well as reducing the development of wrinkles. Spinach, kale, and arugula are particularly good at producing these results.
12. Bell Peppers
Although all bell peppers have healthy properties for the skin, yellow bells as well as red bells have the greatest amount of vitamin C. Additionally, the folate and carotenoid components in these bell peppers are present in vitamin B6 and vitamin B9 that help to alleviate a variety of skin rashes and chronic conditions including eczema, acne, and dermatitis. Folate particularly helps with keeping the skin from sagging prematurely.
13. Fermented Foods
All foods that have been fermented have a probiotic element to them, which is important “good” bacteria that metabolizes the “bad” bacteria in your body. This includes an element of lactic acid that the skin needs to stay younger looking. These foods combat inflammation, wrinkles, and it leads to a healthier, glowing look to your skin with the optimal absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
14. Turmeric
Turmeric has been called a “superfood” for its wealth of properties that help to prevent inflammation, reduce acne, and rejuvenate areas of the skin that have been damaged from wounds or UV damage. It has even been shown to prevent skin cancers that have formed from overexposure to the sun. Using this spice on a weekly basis, and even applying it directly to red areas of your skin mixed with water and in a paste form will cool the skin as well as alleviate redness.
15. Cacao (Raw)
Known as the “chocolate” plant, raw cacao contains resveratrol which is one of the strongest antioxidants in nature. This helps to repair UV-ray damage and wrinkles. It also contains a large component of magnesium that alleviates irritation due to skin rashes. This can be formed into a paste and applied directly to the skin, or it can be added to a yogurt drink to get the full benefits of this food.
16. Raw Oats
Although many cereals contain oats, the raw form of this food has the greatest property of manganese, which is a mineral that assists your skin in absorbing the vitamins and minerals that come from other foods that you eat. Because oats also have elements of zinc and the antioxidant selenium, raw oats mixed with honey can be directly applied to your skin as a face mask to give your skin suppleness and as a rejuvenating mechanism to repair skin damage.
17. Olive Oil
This food is not only good for your skin as an addition to your diet, but you can also apply a few drops every day directly to your skin to get the full benefits of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids contained in it. It is nature’s moisturizer and with its antioxidant properties, repairs skin and reduces inflammation.
Are there healthy foods that have worked for you? Have you seen dramatic changes in your skin with the food you eat? Do you have DIY beauty products that have produced healthier skin for you? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to pass this on to your friends and loved ones.
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!