15 Ways The Sarcastic Girl With The Soft Heart Loves Differently

Jul 23, 2018

So, you’ve met a sarcastic girl, but you know there’s a soft heart in there somewhere. Here's what you need to know about her in your quest for love.

1. She’s not into feeling vulnerable.

Vulnerability can make her feel uncomfortable, especially when her feelings for someone are making her feel that way. She can be especially hesitant to put herself in a situation where someone might hurt her.


2. Her filter is MIA.

This girl calls things like she sees them, without giving her opinions too much thought. Although her lack of filter can sometimes seem like a lack of tact, you’ll never have to doubt her honesty.

3. She can seem indifferent or distant.

Although she might seem cold, it’s just a front. She might seem indifferent to what’s going on, but she’s really observing everything that’s going on around her.

4. She can have trouble opening up to other people.

That sarcastic sense of humor can be a defense mechanism, because she’s scared of what’s going to happen when she lets other people in. When she presents her opinion like a sarcastic joke, there’s less risk for her.

5. On the inside, she’s actually soft and sensitive.

Her lack of a filter might make her seem cynical or hard, but don’t let her make you feel like she doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. Inside, she’s got a soft heart and a thoughtful side. As you get to know here, it’ll come out more and more.

6. She always gives 100 percent.

Slacking isn’t her thing. Whenever she decides to do something, she gives it everything she’s got. You could say she’s extremely passionate.

7. She’s a better listener than a talker.

Opening up and talking about her feelings is hard for her, but listening is easy. This girl is there for you at the end of a bad day, because she’s always willing to really listen.

8. She always goes back to that sarcastic humor.

Not everybody gets it, but she knows that the people who appreciate her sarcastic sense of humor are the ones that really understand where she’s coming from.

9. She knows that it’s the little things that matter most.

She directs her passionate nature at the things that matter, and she knows that the details are important. She also knows when to kick back and enjoy the sunshine.

10. She loves a good romance.

She might act impervious, but, secretly, she loves cheeseball romantic stuff. Under that layer of sarcasm, you’ll find a girl who loves being loved.

11. She’s into surprises.

Maybe because she’s into romance and the little things, she also loves spontaneity. Whether it’s with an adrenaline rush or a surprise gift, your sarcastic girl will show her softer side when you surprise her.

12. She’ll wait for you to say the L-word.

You already know vulnerability is an issue for her, so it’s only natural that saying “I love you” is huge for her. She doesn’t want to go down in flames, so don’t wait to tell her how you feel.

13. She’s got some rough edges.

She might need a little coaching before you take her home to your parents, but her unpolished nature is part of her charm. You know she’s being genuine, and that’s part of her attraction.

14. She can sometimes blow things out of proportion.

With her excellent observation and listening skills, she tends to notice things that other people miss. Unfortunately, she can also overthink things, seeing meaning where maybe there is none.

15. She’s kind of a badass.

In spite of her flaws, this girl is amazing. She goes after what she wants, and she takes risks whenever necessary. This is a girl that gets what she wants in life, and, if that includes you, you’re a lucky guy.

If you know someone who’s off to a rocky start with this type of badass girl, have him check out this list. Once you understand your sarcastic girl, her soft heart is that much easier to reach.