15 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Maintaining Their Homes

May 02, 2018

There are lots of mistakes that people do when it comes to the maintenance of their homes. Whether it is simply forgetting a small detail that can have catastrophic results or using the wrong technique and tools, here are the 15 maintenance tips that every homeowner should check out:

Sidewalk Cracks

Fill in your sidewalk to avoid heaving concrete. When moisture settles into the ground beneath your sidewalk, temperature fluctuations can cause the ground to expand, which forms breaks.


Spot Test Your Carpet

Before you do a deep clean, dab a little of your cleaner in one small patch of carpet to see how the chemicals react. Nobody wants a stained or discolored floor!

Maintain Your Gutters

This is a chore that is often forgotten, but very important. Regularly clean out debris from your gutters to prevent leaks and damage.

Save Electricity

Once winter rolls around, you'll be leaving your lights on for much longer. Swap your regular light bulbs for more energy efficient bulbs to extend their life and save electricity!

Wait To Turn Off Your Sprinklers

You may not see the importance of having a green lawn in the fall but wait until the first frost before turning off your water.

Utilize Water Pressure

Clean the outside of your home without breaking a sweat by using a water pressure hose to remove any grime or bugs!

Prune Your Trees

Pruning is an important step in preventing your trees and shrubs from overtaking your yard. Always wait until early winter to do this though, as pruning before the tree is dormant can lead to serious damage to the tree.

Work In The Fall

Wait until cooler weather comes around before repainting the outside of your home or touching up any grimy spots so you don't have to break a sweat. Just make sure it's not too windy!


Save on your heating bill by adding insulation in your attic when the weather starts to get cooler. Just be careful not to cover any ventilation that could start a fire.

Seal Your Home

Fall is also the perfect time to caulk and seal any holes or gaps in your home. This will prevent cool or damp air from permeating inside, so you'll be sure to save on heating bills.

Replace Old Batteries

Make sure all important tools are running efficiently. This includes alarm clocks, fire alarms, and any other safety mechanisms that run on batteries.

Replace Dirty Filters

Make sure your furnace is working properly. This includes replacing filters that are used up.

Clean Your Chimney

Creosote can build up in your chimney and cause fires, so make sure your chimneys are cleaned each year before winter comes.

Maintain Your Roof

Snow and other harsh weather can really take a toll on your roofing. Maintaining your roof’s structural integrity is critical for every homeowner. Make sure you or professionals inspect your roof in the fall before heavy snowfall each year. Remember to never reuse roofing materials since this actually causes more damage.

Safeguard Against Pests

When the weather is unpleasant, your home is a refuge for plenty of unwelcome visitors. Make sure you plug up any holes or entries other animals could get into.



Which tip is your favorite? Make sure everyone you know is aware of these common mistakes so they can live in their dream homes, too!