15 Exercises You Can Do at Home To Get That Perfectly Toned Body

Sep 07, 2018

All of us want a body like our favorite Hollywood celebrities, and being able to get those toned muscles is not always at ease. Getting a good amount of exercise still remains one of the best ways to get into shape and tone up your body, but not all exercises can work towards that goal well.

Getting into shape is not something that is easy. Knowing the right kind of exercises that one needs to perform during this time is essential, which is why we have made a list of fifteen different exercises that you can perform at home.

These exercises have been proven to improve the muscle strength and can help you look more toned up.



1. Elbow Knee Touch

While laying down, trying to touch your elbow to your knee and repeating this is a great way to strengthen the core.


2. Crunches

Crunches are an incredibly impactful exercise that can work out your core and strengthen it. Doing this several times a week can work wonders for your body.

3. Butt Lifts

Another incredibly beneficial exercise, this one works on the back as well as the stomach muscles, because of the strain it puts on it while trying to perform this exercise.

4. Plank

Doing a few reps of the plank alone can help you get a flatter stomach and can improve the strength of your core and upper body as well.


1. Lunges

Lunges are a light but incredibly effective exercise that can strengthen your glutes and get them into shape. This exercise is also good for warm-ups and post workouts.

2. Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises to tone up your buttocks and thighs and are also great to reduce the visibility of cellulite in them.

3. Back Kick Jumps

Jumping is a great way to work out the muscles in your lower body, and back kick jumps are a great way to work them out while doing something that doesn't put too much strain on your body.

4. Squat x Jump

A combination of squatting and them jumping may be a tedious exercise, but it is one of the most efficient ways to get your muscles toned up.


1. Pull Ups

Using a horizontal bar, using your upper body strength to pull yourself up is a great way to work out your muscles and strengthen them. The higher the pull, the more your workout will be.

2. Side Plank

While a plank is already incredibly beneficial for your upper body strength, the side plank is an exercise that can help you go the extra mile in this regard and work it out even further.


1. Leg Swings

Leg Swings are a great warm up before any workout and can help to work out the thigh and lower leg muscles by a significant amount

2. Jump Planks

Doing a combination of jumps and planks is a good way to work out your leg muscles along with the rest of your body. This is an exercise that must be done with caution because of the strain that it can put on your body.


1. Basic Stretching

Simple stretching is one of the easiest ways to work out your back and tone up your muscles. This is something that should be done before every workout, which is a huge positive when trying to tone up your entire body.

2. Curved Stretch

The curved stretch is when you lay on your stomach and hold your hands and legs in a curved position. This exercise works out the stomach muscles and also the back muscles, and makes them significantly stronger.

3. The Bridge

The Bridge is one of the most efficient exercises for toning since it works not just on the back, but on the entire body. Holding this position for a few seconds and repeating is it an incredibly effective exercise to do.

Performing these simple exercises is sure to contribute to toning up your entire body. Don´t forget to tell us about your own experiences or thoughts on the exercises by leaving us a comment!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!