14 Things That Make Aquarius The Best Zodiac Sign

Dec 10, 2018

We are still in the Age of Aquarius! That is a good thing because Aquarius is the best sign of all. People born under the sign of the water bearer are free spirits and visionaries. They will lead us into the future. Here are 14 reasons why Aquarius is such a great sign:

1. Aquarius people are independent.


Aquarians never follow the crowd just to get along. They stay true to themselves. Sometimes that makes them rebels. You can always count on an Aquarian to be authentic. What you see with an Aquarian is what you get. They have strong opinions and enjoy telling people what they think.


2. Aquarians are often scientists and inventors.


Aquarius people are on the cutting edge of new thinking. They like to think outside the box and are always looking for a better way to do things. That makes them outstanding as inventors and research scientists. No matter what their jobs or professions, they love to think about how to improve the world.

3. Aquarius people are honest.


Learning the truth is very important to people born under the Aquarius sign, and that is one reason why they are so passionate about seeking knowledge. Telling the truth is equally important to them. It is against their principles to tell a lie. Besides, they are just not good liars. If an Aquarian tells you something, you can feel confident that he or she believes it is true. An Aquarian will never try to scam you.

4. Aquarians don't put up with liars.


As we've seen, Aquarius people hold themselves to a high standard of honesty. They also hold other people to the same standard. That means they have no patience with liars and won't let dishonest people take advantage of them or of others. By avoiding wasting time on liars, Aquarians can give quality time to their family members and their true friends.

5. Aquarian people have your back.


Aquarians are picky about who they get close to. However, if you meet their standards and become a close friend, they will do almost anything for you. If you ever need help, you can count on your Aquarian friend to be there for you, no matter what your problem.

6. Aquarians can't stand jealousy.


Aquarians put a high value on their independence. If you are jealous and possessive, you will not have a good relationship with an Aquarian. In fact, if you hold on too tight, the Aquarian is likely to bolt. However, if you give an Aquarius the space he or she needs, then you will find that an Aquarian is the best possible partner. When they find the right person, Aquarians like to stay with that person for life, and they are fiercely loyal.

7Aquarians are adventurous.


People born under the sign of Aquarius love adventure as much as they hate routine. They are often seen as geniuses. Their minds are very active, and they love to seek out new challenges. If you are close to an Aquarian, you will have an exciting life and never be bored.

8. Aquarians are wise.


Aquarians learn a lot of useful things while living their adventurous lives. They are exposed to many different situations, and their sharp minds gain something valuable from each new experience. If you are friends with an Aquarian, he or she will give you fantastic advice. You should always listen to what an Aquarian tells you!

9. Aquarius people are good with technology.


Because Aquarians are so smart, curious, and oriented towards the future, they are usually very good at understanding and using the latest technology. If you ever have a question about your computer, your phone, or any high-tech gadget, you should definitely ask an Aquarian. If you love gadgets too, then you and the Aquarian will bond over this shared interest. If you feel intimidated by technology, your Aquarian friend will patiently explain things to you to increase your understanding and make you feel more comfortable.

10. Aquarians are quick to forgive.


If you are close to an Aquarian, and you made a mistake, don't worry. The Aquarian is very quick to forgive his or her friends and loved ones. Aquarians value loyalty and life-long relationships. So, when there are problems in their relationships, they will do whatever they can to fix the problems and move forward.

11. Aquarius people follow their own paths.


Aquarians are honest and want to live according to their true selves. That means that they often choose different paths than other people. If your strongest desire is to fit in with your peer group, then you will feel frustrated in a relationship with an Aquarian. However, if you want to have a deep and meaningful life, an Aquarian is a wonderful companion.

12. Aquarians are imaginative.


Although Aquarians are often found in scientific or technical professions, they are also artistic and imaginative. An Aquarian will have vivid images of how the future can be better. By combining their scientific and their imaginative sides, Aquarians can make their dreams come true. That is why they are so good at leading us into the future.

13. Aquarius people fight for justice.


Seeking the truth and making the world better are two of the core values of Aquarians. These values combine to produce a passion for fighting injustice and standing up for the underdogs.

14. Aquarians are sexy!


Aquarians crave adventure and excitement in all areas of life, including their sex lives. At the same time, because Aquarians are so loyal, you will feel safe when you are with them. This mixture of safety and adventure takes their love-making to another level.

Are you an Aquarius or do you have an Aquarius in your life? Let us know if these actually are characteristics of Aquarians you know. Be sure to pass this on to your friends and loved ones to let them know how amazing Aquarians are!