13-Year-Old Boy Wants To Be Adopted By ‘Someone That Cares’ After Being In Foster Care For 10 years

Aug 30, 2022

Every three in 1,000 children are in the foster care system, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. One 13-year-old boy named Tim entered the foster care system when he was just three years old and is ready for a mom and dad of his own. Living in Texas, Tim had the opportunity to share his story with another part of the state to reach a broader audience for adoption. The young man was flown to Dallas to speak with a local television station and be featured on their “Wednesday’s Child” feature that showcases children looking to be adopted. 

Sitting down with the TV station, Tim opened up about everything that he wanted in a potential family. Being alone most of his life, he had a wish that was to have a family with brothers and sisters. More than having brothers and sisters to play with, Tim is looking for a loving mom and dad. The young man, who loves playing basketball, shared that he hopes he can find a dad who will play the sport with him. In terms of a mother, he just wants someone to ask how his day was. 

Being in foster care for so long, Tim desires to be free, which to him, just entails not being owned by the state. Having the state of Texas as his parent, he admitted that, at times, he could have trouble sleeping. Tim also admitted that it gets hard moving from home to home, never having a stable place to call his own. Tim also revealed that he’s overall a good kid; he just needs a stable family to complete him. 

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In his sit-down interview with KHOU, Tim shared that being owned by the state is more than difficult. "Kind of like being in a prison without walls. You got runners, but then where you gonna (sic) go if you run? Absolutely nowhere but right back to where you ran from," he said. 

He shared that having a family would give him the freedom that he has never had the opportunity to feel. "Freedom. Freedom to go out the door when I want and them not worrying about me coming back or not because they know they can trust me," he said.

Tim admitted that he’s a good kid and that he hopes a family will see that. "At home, I am an angel. Perfect," Tim said. He also admitted he is just looking for people to care about him. "Someone that cares, who's always worried. I may seem embarrassed sometimes (by her worrying) but she'll still be wondering if I'm OK. She'll ask how my day is every time I walk through the door," he said. Tim also wants a dad who will help him grow into a man as well as do simple things with him, like play basketball. "If I go outside, he'll go outside with me. He'll give me some normalcy," he added. 

Opening up about his life as an only child, Tim said he gets lonely. "Kind of gets boring playing by yourself," he said. That’s why he wouldn’t mind having brothers and sisters. "Plus, you can learn from them," he added. 

Since Tim’s TV special has aired, we have hope that he will get adopted.


Doesn’t Tim seem like the sweetest boy ever? We really hope that he gets adopted by an amazing family soon! If you found this story inspiring – make sure to send it on to family and friends who will think the same! 

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