13 Signs Texting Him Would Be A Mistake

Jun 13, 2018

Modern dating is a technological minefield that is hard to figure out, even for young people. Men and women now spend their time analyzing their crushes Snapchat story and try to get hints from their Tinder profile. But there are some guys that just aren't worth the hassle or the texting time. So what are the signs that this dude just isn't worth it? 

1. You know that you're not the only girl he's talking to and he doesn't actually think you're special or interesting. 


2. You'll spend the next minutes or hours waiting for him to text you back when you have much better things to do. If he doesn't text back, you'll be crushed and it will ruin your otherwise nice evening. 

3. Your beloved friends are begging you not to text the guy because they know he's bad news. Your friends know you better than anyone, so trust them when they all agree that a dude just isn't worth the time. 

4. You have a gut feeling that he'll ignore you and that you're better off with him not in your life. 

5. Instead of him ever reaching out to you, you're contacting him on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook just to see how he's doing. All the while you know he'd never go through so much effort to get in contact with you. 

6. It's so late that texting him will just make him think of you as a fling. Then he'll only think of you as a fling the you want more out of the relationship. 

7. You're only seriously considering texting him because you've had a little too much to drink, and you know you'll say stuff you'll regret in the morning. 

8. You told yourself that you won't text him again and you can't break promises to yourself. He'll only make you sad each time you try to text him, so why keep making yourself miserable? 

9. You're always the one to start the conversation. If a guy never texts you first, take it as a sign that he doesn't really value your conversations together or you as a woman. You're just a temporary convenience for him. 

10. When you do manage to get him to have conversation, you always have to lead the conversation and take the initiative. You're always asking him about his day, his interests, and his goals while he doesn't care to ask anything about you. 

11. It's likely that he won't respond to your texts at all and you'll just end up feeling like a fool for nothing. Of course, if he doesn't respond it will just make you upset and ruin your day. So why put yourself through that? 

12. If you do give in and let yourself text him just one more time, then you'll want to double text him then triple text him just to get his attention. If he ignored your initial message or didn't bother to text you first, he just isn't that into you and double and triple texting will only amplify your sadness. 

13. Your conversations never end up leading to anything interesting or worthwhile on the off chance he does respond, so why bother with this kind of guy in the first place? 

Know a girl who needs to put the phone down and lose his number? Send this article to her to give her a subtle nudge!