13 Awesome Uses For Potatoes You've Probably Never Heard Of
Nov 07, 2018
Everyone knows how to cook potatoes, and in so many different ways. Did you know that there are many other uses for potatoes - even cleaning with them? Here is a list of 13 surprising ways to use potatoes.
1. Rust Removal
To remove rust, follow these directions. Cut the potato in half. You'll now dip the potato into salt, baking soda, or dish detergent. Rub it onto the item that is rusted. Keep rubbing until it's clean. If it stops cleaning, simply cut another piece, dip, and begin rubbing again. Once all the desired rust is removed, rinse your item with warm water and let it dry.
2. Treat Burns
Wash a couple of potatoes and then cut into thin slices. It you would rather grate or blend them, that is fine too. If you grated or blended, make this into a paste. It may be a messy approach but it is very effective in cooling your skin. Apply the paste or slices to your skin. Cover with a cotton pad or gauze to create a compress. Leave this on for up to 15 minutes. Once the time is up, remove and rinse with cool water.
If your burn is from boiling water, the potato slices will not feel best, they can actually hurt. Instead, use the paste for this type burn. You will apply the mash in the same as directed above, except this time you can leave on up to several hours. When the potato begins to turn brown, it's time to change the compress out.
The quicker you respond to treating a burn, the better the result.
3. Stain Removal
You'll need a couple of raw potatoes. Wash them and then grate them. Have enough to put them in a bowl and fill with 16 ounces of water. Take out the gated potato and add in water to the same amount. Wait 15 minutes. Dip a sponge into the mixture. Rub the sponge onto the stain. Wash the item in cold water and your stain should disappear.
If you have stains on your hands, this will work too. Some stains this will worker on hands are from beetroot and berries.
To remove stains from hands, cut a potato in half and rub until hands appear clean. Rinse and dry, and now you're ready to go!
4. Shine and Clean your Leather Shoes
Cut a potato into half. You will now rub the potato over the whole surface of your shoes. Let the potato goo sit on your shoes for 5 minutes. They will appear dull during this phase so don't be alarmed. This is what's supposed to happen. After 5 minutes have passed, remove the potato by wiping with a soft, dry cloth. Once removed, your shoes will look shiny and new again.
5. Save Silverware that has become Blackened
Take two potatoes, cut and boil them. Once they are cooked, remove from the water. You'll only be using the water the potatoes were in. Take your silverware and place into the water for one hour. After the hour has passed, take silverware out and clean with a soft brush. Rinse with new, clean water. After rinsed, dry with a towel or let air dry.
6. Remove Stains from Armpits
This can take a few applications before seeing a noticeable difference but diligence will make the effort worth it. Here are 2 ways to remove those stains from your armpits.
- Take a potato, wash, and slice it. Rub into your armpits for up to 3 minutes. Leave on for up to 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water and then dry.
- Cut and then blend a potato until it appears smooth. Take the mashed potato and rub into armpit. Leave it on for up to 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water and let dry.
For both options, you'll need to apply twice a day for 4 weeks or more in order to see results.
7. Relieve Headaches
Take a raw potato, wash and slice it. Take the slice and place onto your temples and your forehead. Place a gauze over them to create a compress. Lay down and relax until you don't feel the pain anymore.
8. Health Benefits
Potato juice could potentially help heartburn, aid weight loss, relieve constipation, cure ulcers, and prevent bacteria in your stomach. It's even been known to lower your cholesterol which can make you less likely to get cancer. To cash in on these great benefits, try the following:
- Take a raw potato, wash and peel it.
- Blend in a blender until you have a liquid paste.
- You will now need to strain and extract the juice from the potato.
- Simply drink the juice!
It's probably not going to taste fantastic, so you may want to add juice from other vegetables to adjust it to your liking.
9. Have Glowing Skin
Take a raw potato, peel and blend it. Take the paste and apply to face using a massaging motion. Leave the past on for up to 5 minutes. Rinse off mixture with cool water.
10. Keep your Glasses from Fogging Up
Take a potato and cut into half. Rub end of potato onto your glasses. You'll then wipe the lens with a dry, soft cloth.
11. Window Cleaning
Cut a potato into half. Rub onto window. Then you will wipe with a clean, dry cloth until the window shines like new.
12. Create a Cold and Hot Compress
For a cold compress, refrigerate a potato for a couple of hours and then scoop out some cold potato. You'll then place it onto your bruise and cover with a gauze. This will sooth your pain.
13. Potato Stamps
All you need to do for this one is carve your design into the potato. Then, dip the carved side into paint and stamp away. This is a great one for the kids!
Which one will you be trying? Drop a comment to let us know. Be sure and pass these cool tips along to your friends.
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