12 Ways You Might Be Unintentionally Hurting Your Dog

Jul 18, 2018

You love your dog, right? You certainly wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm them. However, even the best intentions can be misled. There are things that completely well-meaning dog owners end up doing that cause harm to their beloved pets without realizing it. In order to keep your dog safe, you want to avoid doing these things.

1. Bad collar choice

The ideal collar for your dog should fit just right. If it's too tight, they have trouble breathing properly. If it's too loose, it'll be easy for them to slip free. Be sure to find one that they can wear comfortably.


2. Keeping them in a car

Heat and dogs are a bad mix. If your dog is in a hot car for even a few minutes, they can become overheated and die.

3. Not brushing teeth

Just like you, your dog needs their teeth taken care of. You should use a specialized toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs to keep their teeth as strong as possible.

4. Not restricting food

You hopefully know to never give a dog chocolate, but you should also avoid giving them what you eat. Just because they want your dinner doesn't mean they should have it. Dog food is for dogs, and your food is for you.

5. Young dogs at the dog park

While dog parks are a wonderful place for dogs and their owners to socialize, you should wait to bring your puppy. It can be a prime spot for diseases to spread, and older dogs can be much more aggressive than your pup is ready for.

6. Corporal punishment

When your dog does something wrong, you shouldn't raise even a finger to them.
Doing so is abusive and will only teach them to fear you. Instead, you need to discipline them by showing that they will be rewarded for doing good.

7. No stimulation

Dogs don't just need walks for exercising their bodies. They also need it for exercising their brains. All the sights and sounds they encounter help make them sharper thinkers. If you're depriving them of stimulation, you're depriving them of life.

8. Improper car security

If you're riding with your dog, they need to be properly buckled up. Should they be unbuckled and you're involved in an accident, it could end up horribly.

9. Raising your voice

Reprimanding your dog by yelling is no way to take care of things. It will just make them afraid of you. When disciplining, you need to use a strong but relaxed tone of voice.

10. Not treating for parasites

There are all kinds of pests that can affect your dog, including ticks and heartworms. You need to be going to the vet regularly to make sure they are screened and treated for these parasites.

11. Keeping dangerous objects around

You need to babyproof a home. So, why not dog-proof a home? Your dog can get into all sorts of trouble if you aren't careful about securing things like medication, certain foods, or small objects that they could easily choke on.

12. Not paying attention to their breed

Not all dogs are built alike. Different breeds are more susceptible to different health problems. You need to make sure your dog is given the right treatment for their breed type.

Being a loving dog owner means looking out for them. This responsibility shows that you care for them. Show this to any dog owners you know to help keep our canine friends happy and alive.