12 Types Of Hunger And How To Control Them

Jul 05, 2018

You might think of hunger as a pretty straightforward phenomenon. You get hungry, you eat food and you feel better. In fact, hunger isn't always that simple. There are actually 12 different things that can trigger hunger, and if you can identify what is making you hungry and figure out whether or not your hunger is real, you can better control it.

Your Eyes

Chefs think a lot about presentation, and food photographers work to take pictures that make food look as appetizing as possible. If you find yourself hungry because of how food looks, distract yourself by looking at a painting or something else of visual interest.


Your Brain

The problem with having a great imagination is when you use it to think about all the things you're dying to eat. It can be tricky to distinguish mind hunger from real hunger, but one way to do it is to replace the tempting treat you are considering with something less exciting but more nourishing. If you are still hungry, it may be true hunger.

Your Ears

You might start to feel hungry simply because someone else is opening or ordering or talking about food in your presence. Try replacing the food noises with another aural distraction.

Your Nose

There's nothing like smelling something delicious to make you hungry. Smell is actually one of the most pleasurable things about eating. The good news is that you can control the hunger this elicits by indulging. Notice and appreciate the smells of your food, and you will eat more slowly with greater enjoyment.

Your Stomach

While you might think this is a reliable indicator of hunger, your stomach might be rumbling for no better reason than that it expects to be fed. Therefore, it's important to ascertain whether you are really hungry or just eating because it is mealtime. You should also eat slowly and stop before you are full.

Your Mouth

Sometimes, you may not be hungry but you are still craving the taste of something. When this happens, just have two or three bites of the item instead of an entire plate of it.

Your Heart

Sometimes you eat or drink something because it makes you happy and not because of any real hunger. Examples might be a favorite food your mother makes or a hot drink on a cold day. When fulfilling this hunger, be sure to watch your portion sizes.

Your Cells

Sometimes your body has a better intuitive sense of what you need that you consciously realize. Hunger can indicate that you need to drink water instead. Other times, you may be craving nutrients that certain food can provide. Hormones can also affect hunger.

Your Stress

Stress can prevent you from making the best food choices and push you into poor decisions such as eating an entire bag of chips without noticing. When you get stressed out, pay particular attention to your food choices and intake.

Your TV And Job

Mindless munching can also be a problem while you're watching TV or working. You tend to eat more if you are distracted. Noticing whether you are really hungry before you sit down to watch TV or work can help. You could also find something for your hands to do, like knitting, that will keep you from eating.

Your Boredom

If you find yourself tempted to eat out of boredom, try to find something else to fill the time. Read a book, exercise or spend time with pets. You can also learn to get comfortable with down time instead of feeling you have to fill every waking moment.

Your Night Hunger

Both stress and hormonal imbalances can make you hungry at night. However, going to the kitchen can upset your sleep and lead to unhealthy choices. The best way to combat this is to leave some healthy snacks, such as nuts, by your bed to nibble on if late-night hunger strikes.

Identifying the source of hunger is one step toward cutting back on overeating. Comment with tips from you and your friends on how to fight different kinds of hunger. And if you like, pass this on to your friends and loved ones. 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!