12 Things You Never, Ever Have To Apologize For

Aug 09, 2018

Some people seem to feel they have a duty to go around judging people. They will criticize you for your friends, how you choose to live and anything else they can find to be negative about. However, you don't owe an explanation or an apology to people for living your life the way you want to.

These are 12 things you should never ever apologize to anyone for:

1. Putting Yourself First


No one can make you as happy as you can make yourself, and there is nothing wrong with prioritizing your own needs. It is neither selfish nor egotistical to live your own life on your own terms. If you don't put your own needs first, you won't be able to help others anyway.


2. Pursuing Your Dreams

You may have been told that there is something wrong with seeking greater things in life than what you already have, but that is not true. Ambition means you refuse to settle for less, and there's nothing wrong with that. People may think that your dreams are silly and unachievable, but they don't matter. Furthermore, don't let people make you believe that seeking more means you are ungrateful. You can have gratitude for what you have and chase your dreams at the same time.

3. Creating Time For Yourself


It can be easy to find yourself taking care of others to the detriment of your own needs. There is nothing wrong with taking some "me time" whatever that means to you. You don't need to apologize to anyone for saying no to an invitation or request because you need to rejuvenate. In fact, it is necessary for maintaining your health.

4. Your Partner


You don't owe anyone anyone an explanation for who you choose as a partner or simply for the people you want to date. It doesn't matter what kind of people you like as long as you genuinely care for them. People who think they can dictate who you should and shouldn't date do not get to have a place in your life.

5. Feeling Things


Sometimes, people are shamed just because they dare to express their emotions. There are certainly times when it is better to keep your feelings to yourself, such as if you become angry at your supervisor while waiting for a promotion. However, while managing your emotions is important, feeling what you feel at any given time is never wrong.

6. Your Job


It doesn't matter what you do for a living as long or how much or little you make doing as long as you are happy with it. If it is keeping a roof over your head, others do not have a right to judge you for your profession.

7. Your Optimistic Outlook


Positive thinking has many benefits. It is good for your health, cuts back on your stress, extends your lifespan and can even make you more creative. However, what you may constantly hear from people is that you need to always prepare for the worst. There is nothing wrong with thinking positively and being an optimist, and you can keep those negative people out of your life.

6. What You've Done


People love to criticize you for who you were and what you did in the past. However, everyone makes mistakes, and experience is how you learn to improve yourself. You are not bound by your past, and you can ignore people who try to judge you for it.

9. What You Eat


Everyone has an opinion about your diet and how you should eat for maximum health, but you don't have to listen to them. Whether you choose to eat meat or not or whatever other choices you make about food is no one else's business. You are the only one who can decide what it is best for you to eat.

10. Wanting More


Some people may criticize you as never being satisfied if you seem like you are always striving for bigger and better things, but you can ignore them. There is nothing wrong with always setting your sights as high as possible and pushing yourself as far as you can go.

11. Living Outside the Mainstream


Whether it's living off the grid, homeschooling your children or making other lifestyle choices that others view as unusual and out of the mainstream, you don't need to explain or apologize. Others will criticize you because they think that following convention is the only way to live, but you should live by your own values without feeling bad about it.

12. Having Opinions


You can hold a different opinion from another person and still behave respectfully toward them. Sometimes it can be hard to hold an opinion that differs from those of most of the others around you, but you still should not feel like you have to hold back on what you truly believe.

You only have one life to live, so you might as well live it to your satisfaction. Let us know in the comments the kind of choices you have made to live your own life!