12 Reasons Why You Need To Keep Sage In Your House
Aug 14, 2018
Sage has been used for centuries. Over the years, it has been used for medical purposes, in food, and even as a beauty product. Sage is an herb with greyish-green leaves. Sage also has a wrinkled texture. This plant is packed full of important ingredients - ingredients that can be used for a variety of purposes. Below are 12 of the things you can do with sage. After reading this you'll surely want to make sure you keep sage in your home.
It Can Treat Hair Loss

Sage has been proven to contain ingredients that can treat baldness and prevent hair loss. These ingredients are beta-sitosterol and 5-alpha reductase. These are the compounds that make your hair healthier, thicker, and shinier. Sage simply provides your hair with the things it needs to thrive. All you need to do to benefit from the properties of sage is mix a few drops of sage essential oil to your shampoo bottle. You can also mix sage oil with olive oil and use this as a conditioner once a day.

Sage Can Dye Your Grey Hair
You don't need to get a new box of hair dye every time you spot a grey hair. However, this really only works with brown and black hair. All you have to do is make a tea of sort out of the sage. Take leaves and boil it in water. Strain the mixture and add it to a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar. Use this mixture for a long period of time, preferably after you shampoo, to see the best results. You will not notice results until extended use; it won't work after just one use.
Can Reduce Sweating
Some people sweat when they aren't even moving. This can cause social anxiety and unpleasant odor, even affecting the people around you. Manufactured deodorants work sometimes, but for many they simply aren't enough. Sage tea can be a natural remedy for sweating too much. Just drink a cup of sage tea, and see for yourself is sage tea stops your sweating.
It Can Improve Digestion
Sage has a variety of beneficial properties for the stomach. It can help with loss of appetite, reduce bloating, and ease heartburn. Sage is able to relieve so many ailments because it helps the body in so many ways. It helps with bile flow, helps the pancreas function, and it stimulates the upper digestive secretions.
It Can Prevent Alzheimer's
One of sage's original uses was to prevent memory loss. Sage is believed to be able to improve the enzymes that control the retention of memories. The Medicinal Plant Research Centre claims that the consumption of sage oil tablet help people recall memories. They conducted a double blind study in order to find these results.
Improves The Immune System
Sage, with its antimicrobial properties, is able to help prevent viral and bacterial infections. Rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant, is heavily present in sage, and can help remove over 40 different strains of bacteria. E. coli, salmonella, and streptococcus are just a few of the infections that can be removed from the body by consuming Sage. Sage could even be better than man-made antibiotics. Unlike normal antibiotics, sage only removes the bad bacteria, leaving important bacteria in the body.
It Can Be a Mood Booster
Many people burn sage for this reason. Sage incense are extremely popular and for good reason. Sage is a natural mood booster. Sage incense can also be used to treat insomnia, helping you fall asleep faster.
It's A Skin Moisturizer
Sage can reduce puffiness and redness, but it can also be used to treat more serious conditions. Ailments such as eczema and psoriasis can be treated naturally with sage oil. In fact, sage is already present in many products that are made specifically to treat these conditions. Sage has lots of vitamin A, and vitamin A is important in skin health.
Spiritual Reasons
Cultures have often used sage to ward off evil spirits and remove bad energy. It is actually still used by many people today for this reason. Burning sage when you are sick is even believed to cleanse the body, refreshing your body.
It Can Treat Sore Throat
Sage tea is a great remedy for sore throat due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Sage tea can reduce inflammation in the mouth, throat, and tonsils.
It Can Prevent Gum Disease
Chewing on sage leaves is a great way to prevent gum disease. Alternatively, you can make a mouthwash out of sage leaves. Sage can also prevent plaque and tooth decay. Its restorative properties can also be used to treat mouth sores or bites. Another way to use sage is by freezing sage tea and using it like a cough drop.
It Can Make You Look Younger
We've already talked about how sage can be used on the skin, but we mostly discussed how it can be used to treat rashes. However, sage can actually sooth the skin in a deeper way. Using sage as a facial moisturizer can actually make you look younger. Using sage in your diet is a great way to consume some extra vitamin A, further improving skin health.
Have you ever tried burning sage at your house? Do let us know if you use sage in other ways in the comments below!
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!