11 Things A Strong Woman Will Never Tolerate In Their Relationships
Jan 03, 2019
Have you found that strong, independent, and self-assured woman to call your girlfriend? If so, congratulations on finding a keeper. Speaking of keeping, if you want to actually keep her, then you’ll need to make certain that you know how she operates.
There are 12 biggies that an independent woman just isn’t going to tolerate in a relationship. Know them and live by them if you want a long-lasting relationship.
Independent Women Tick Differently
While the majority of men gravitate to all the benefits of having an independent woman by their side, they’re also quite commonly intimidated by how independent women operate in their own lives.
Independent women may not be able to leap tall buildings and save the world a couple of times everyday, but that doesn’t mean she won’t put her best foot forward in trying. She needs space to be her own person, think her own thoughts, and do her own things. There’s the intimidating part, but if you want to keep her, you’ll have to be able to give her this space and trust that she will come back to you after she’s completed her own individual role each day.
Along the way, you’ll also need to know what she absolutely will not tolerate from her partner. Making these 12 mistakes, such as disrespect and trying to control her, may very well cost you your relationship.
12 Mistakes That An Independent Woman Refuses To Tolerate From Her Partner
1. Failing To Respect Her And Others
There are plenty of women out there who struggle with who they are, how much they’re worth, and what they’ll accept/demand of a mate. Your independent woman isn’t that kind of gal. She knows exactly what she wants, her worth, and her expectations. There’s no settling for less. There’s no turning a blind eye to disrespect.
This is a women that will not tolerate you disrespecting others in front of her, much less disrespecting her personally. Such an attitude isn’t acceptable, and you’ll either find yourself iced out until you make amends or watch as she flushes your relationship down the drain.
Keep in mind that independent women are very observant and astute. She will pay great attention to whether or not you’re kind, courteous, and respectful to both those close to you and random strangers.
2. Being Unkind To Her Or Others
Being unkind and harsh to others often stems from insecurities and a sense of endangerment. You meet her handsome coworker, for example, and automatically put your rude-dude persona into action because they work closely daily and that intimates you and makes your place in her life feel endangered. Mistake.
Know that your independent woman demands a secure, sensitive, and kind man. She won’t settle for anything less, and she won’t tolerate the hypocritical, double-standard, rude, unkind behaviors toward herself and others caused by your insecurities and lack of trust in her and your relationship. Avoid this attitude by committing to trust her.
3. Jealous Behaviors
Along the same thread as insecurities and disrespect, is jealousy. Jealousy is only cute in the movies, and even that’s debatable. In real life, strong women don’t want brutish displays of macho behavior, to have to justify and explain her every move, or you to swoop in and save her from her own thoughts and decisions. Why? Because trust and honesty are part of her core character.
Don’t let jealously dictate how you behave and your character. She’s not going to waste her time convincing you to trust her decisions and actions. If she says she’s going to have a drink with the girls or staying late at work to finish up a project, be mature and confident enough to know that’s exactly what’s she doing.
4. Trying To Control Her
Do you try to tell her where she can go, when she can do something, or who she can do it with? If you’re still under any assumption that you can control your independent lady, then you’re in serious trouble.
You can’t control or tame someone who thinks independently and continually strives to reach for her goals, dreams, and happiness. Her inner strength is likely a huge part of what you love about her. Step back and allow that inner strength to flourish under the freedom of your support, not your demands, edicts, and controlling thumb. Otherwise, you might as well start mourning the end of the relationship now.
5. Crossing Her Boundaries
Everyone’s boundaries vary and there’s often a gray ‘maybe’ area for most, but most people with a backbone have very clear ‘yes’ and ‘no’ boundaries. Don’t try to manipulate a strong woman’s firm yes and no answers to suit what you want.
Pushing her limits and trespassing on her boundaries is a sure way to step on a claymore that’ll explode your relationship.
Whatever she does for you, whether it’s cook and clean or just make time for you, she will demand the same in return. If your mindset is stuck in the ‘me Tarzan- you Jane’ zone, then you better reset quickly if you want to be in a relationship with an independent woman.
6. Inequality
Your independent woman wants the literal definition of being a partner. Your worth and role is no more or less than hers. She demands equality. She not a maid. She’s not a babysitter. She’s not your personal chef. She’s not any unpaid service to be at your beckon.
If domineering is part of your bedroom activities, then that’s where they’re designed to stay. Don’t make the mistake of thinking such carries over to everyday life.
7. Being Deceitful
It doesn’t matter if it’s a little white lie supposedly for her own good or a tall tale that’s blatantly false, she’s adamantly opposed to all untruths and deceptions. One of her highest values is in honesty, and if you break that trust, then you’re in for a quick end to this relationship.
If you’re not up for full disclosure and open lines of honest communication, a strong woman isn’t going to stick around for the fiction you’re spinning. She will courageously and courteously tell you everything, but she demands you to man-up and offer the same in return.
8. Cheaters Need Not Apply
Being unfaithful is a dealbreaker for an indecent woman. There’s no mistake and forgiveness or sowing of wild oats and turning a blind eye here. If you’re unfaithful to a strong woman, then she will simply move onward to someone who will value and respect her so much that unfaithfulness doesn’t even cross their minds. Your loss is now their gain.
9. Failing To Support Her
She doesn’t need your money or expensive gifts. The support she seeks is in her own goals and dreams, and there’s likely to be a plethora of them. She’s passionate and driven. Her eye is always on the prize ahead of her, but she, like anyone, will have some bad and difficult days. Be there when she needs you and how she needs you. She likely doesn’t need you to bail her out or take control of the situation, but she does need to know that you’re always in her corner to support and encourage her through both good and bad times.
10. Constantly Apologizing And Making Excuses
You must show up and be accounted for in her life. She’s busy, too. Yet, she makes the effort and time for the relationship. Of course, they’ll be occasions where something unexpected comes up or work has to take priority over play, but if you constantly find yourself making excuses and apologizes for not following through on commitments to her, she’s going to play “Cry Me A River” as she move on to someone who reciprocates her efforts.
11. Acting Like She’s Your Mom
Strong women don’t want to mother you into adulthood. She’s settled in her life as she works toward mature, realistic, and productive goals. She wants a partner to work toward those goals with, not an immature and irresponsible boy derailing then every chance he gets.
12. Assuming She Needs You
Strong women don’t need a man to feel complete, loved, or enough. So, don’t assume she needs you in the same way she needs water to survive. She doesn’t. She’s choosing you because you enhance all the qualities she already possess, because she wants you, because she loves you. Do everything in your power to keep your strong woman choosing you over and over again by being the strong man she deserves.
Do you have a strong woman? If so, how many of these 12 things aren’t tolerated by your independent woman? Feel free to pass this along to any guys you know struggling to figure out what they’re doing wrong in their relationship with a strong woman. Questions, thoughts, or stories you’d like to offer - we want to know!