11 Signs The Person You're With Is A Good Man

Sep 03, 2018

Have you ever wondered how your man compares to Mr. Right? Find out now in with these 11 characteristics of a good man.

Signs Of A Good Man


Great men have great responsibilities. They've got to be dashing and charming. It takes a real gentleman to realist that the most important trait of all is chivalry. So let's get into the 11 traits that make a good man in any relationship.


1. You Feel Beautiful Around Him


There's nothing better than a little smooth talking and compliments.

2. He Inspires You


It's great when you have a man who encourages you and isn't bossy. Positivity goes a long way!

3. He supports You Even If He Disagrees


No matter how perfect a relationship there is no one who is going to agree with you all the time. Even when a good man disagrees with you, then you can still count on him to stand by your side and be supportive.

4. He's Always Getting Better


This is a sure way to know if you've gotten yourself a real catch. A man that's always improving himself mentally and physically knows what he's doing.

5. He Gives You Security


You aren't afraid of anything that can happen because you know you're safe with him.

6.He loves The Small Stuff


The good man is always doing little things for you and planning special moments he can share with you. It's the little things that count in a great relationship. It doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant. He just wants to make things special for you constantly.

7. He Tells The Truth


The truth might not always be what we want to hear, but it's a great sign of honesty. Even if things aren't exactly said the way you like. The right man cares more about being honest than hurting people's feelings. He isn't afraid to stand his ground.

8. He's Not An Abuser


The right guy is never going to do harm to you. If your boyfriend has ever hurt you in any way, then you should leave him and seek help immediately.

9. He Stands By Your Side Completely


He's not going to leave you for anything other than you telling him to leave, because he trusts you and loves you. Doesn't That Sound Dreamy? You don't have to worry about your insecurities or failures. He is always there to help you and guide you through the tough days.

10. He Works Hard To Please You


He is always trying to make you feel better and do right by you. He wants to earn your trust and know that you can count on him. It's great because you both want the same thing. You want to be together and enjoy your romantic life.

11. He Puts You Before Him


You don't have to argue about anything. He takes you out to the places you want to go and he doesn't put his friends first before you. You are his shining light and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks or has to say about it. He loves you and always puts you first no matter what. you are his number one priority without a doubt. It doesn't even matter if his favorite game is on. He always gives you all of his attention and focus. It's almost eerie.


Does your man stand up to this measuring stick? Ask your friends if they've ever seen these qualities in their boyfriends!