11 Beautiful Benefits Of Being Committed In Your Relationship

Jan 03, 2019

Commitment to your partner is a wonderful thing, and it will bring you tons of benefits. 

This is called commitment, and there are some tried and true ways you can use to keep both of you interested in growing together for years to come as well as make you a more complete individual.


1. You develop a deep-seated set of values


Being in a healthy and committed relationship gives you a peace of mind that will carry over into every aspect of your life. It makes you feel a debt of gratitude about everything you have and that you have someone you can share it all with.

2. Your confidence level rises with the strength of a partner 


As life throws you a curve ball or two, you have someone who will stand by you without judgment and give you the support you need in a difficult situation. With each obstacle you face, your confidence will grow knowing that you can count on your loved one to help you through it.

3. Intimacy is always like the first time


Staying committed to your relationship not only means an emotional commitment, but it also means that physical contact and intimacy should not become mundane and ritualistic. You should always feel like that person still gives you goosebumps and work on that feeling for the rest of your life.

4. You have someone you can always count on


Feeling alone in troubling times is not a good feeling. The same thing can be said for accomplishing something in life and not having someone to celebrate success. A relationship gives you the opportunity to always have someone who celebrates your life as well as encourages you to get up and try again when you need it.

5. You have a fellow mischief-maker


There are times in life when you just want to be crazy, and it is a great feeling to know that someone else shares that need and will come along with you for the ride, and even sometimes initiate it! 

6. You attract like-minded people


Once you make that life-long commitment in a relationship then people who have the same frame of mind will flock around you. All the people in your life that don’t hold the same values and goals will begin to fall away, leading to both of you being surrounded by only those who will celebrate your commitment to each other.

7. You exude trustworthiness


It is not only good for your relationship to be trustworthy with your partner, but it strengthens your relationship overall to let your significant other see that you can be trusted by others too. This tells them that you are the same person when you are with them as you are with others.

8. You are committed to your choice 


Just the very act of publicly committing yourself to another human being tells your partner as well as the rest of the world that you are ready to develop a long-lasting relationship that others will envy you for as well as ask you the secret for in years to come.

9. You have more joy in your life


Sharing all of life’s experiences with the right person makes you happier to be alive and experiencing life through not only your perspective but the eyes of a someone you love. It also gives you a chance to do things that you may not have thought about exploring and will find an unexpected happiness in doing!

10. You let them know you trust them


Just giving them space they need to live their best life tells them you have trust in your relationship. This gives any partner the confidence to stay for years to come and never stray. This means working through any problems that might come along together without placing blame on one another.

11. You create a rock-solid foundation for a life-long relationship


Once you both make that initial commitment to each other as life-long partners, this means you have also agreed to create a firm foundation that you will both cultivate into an ongoing belief in growing as individuals on the same path throughout your life.

Have you practiced the same things in your life to make your relationship steady and reliable for years to come? Tell others about it and how it worked for you. And send this to all your friends who are in committed relationships!