107-Year-Old Man In Florida Lives Life To The Full With Red Sports Car

Feb 16, 2020

If you reach the age of 107, you’ll probably be grateful that you open your eyes every morning. Joe Newman is thankful for that and more.

Joe came into this world in 1913. Illinois was where he was born. His parents came from Siberia to live in America, and at some point in time, they moved to Indiana.

Sophie was the name of the woman Joe married. The couple had a child, but their daughter Rita was left with a disability that was caused by an injury the baby sustained when she was delivered. From then on, Joe and Sophie became supporters of children with developmental problems, and they assisted with setting up the Logan Center in Indiana, reports the Herald-Tribune.


At the age of 100, Joe Newman became a running candidate for Congress, reports WFLA. Since he is presently in charge of a forum, you can tell his mind is in good shape. The fact that he operates a vehicle also shows that this centenarian is pretty much with it.

Joe still drives, even though he is up in years, but he doesn’t get behind the wheel every day. The car he cruises around in is a Mercedes that was owned by one of his doctors before he purchased it. When it comes to people his age driving, Joe feels seniors like him should have to take a road test twice a year or yearly to prove they’re capable of driving safely.

Joe’s wife Sophie passed away years ago. Now, he’s waiting to marry a woman named Anita Sampson. Anita is 99 years old, and he told WFLA that as soon as her mother gives them the okay to marry, they will wed. Even though getting an answer has been difficult, they’ll wait, Joe said with a sense of humor. 

Maybe Joe’s longevity can be attributed to his appreciation of a good joke, or maybe his determination to never slow down has something to do with it. Whatever the reason, Joe Newman is someone to be admired. "To be 107 means you keep breathing day after day," Joe told the Herald-Tribune.

Let Joe be an inspiration to others who are concerned about aging and feeling down about it by directing them to this article. This centenarian isn’t letting his age stop him from enjoying life.