10 Ways To Identify A Blood Clot Early

Apr 10, 2018

Blood clots look disgusting, but without them, we would bleed out so easily. However, blood clots that form internally can be extremely dangerous. These form after surgeries, from leg trauma, obesity, or if we are immobilized for a long period of time.


If blood clots become dislodged, they can quickly travel to our heart and stop them, so knowing the signs of an internal blood clot could save your life. Doctors can often misdiagnose blood clots, so it's safer to educate yourself about any warning signs your body is trying to tell you.

Here is a list of 10 ways to recognize a blood clot:

1. Lower Body Pain

If you experience pain in your legs or feet, this means that something is blocking your blood vessels and your body is not properly being supplied with blood. Pain's purpose is to save our lives by warning us of something wrong. Don't ignore this symptom.

2. Redness And Swelling

Redness and swelling are common symptoms of a blood clot forming internally. Legs are a common place to develop blood clots, and you may notice tenderness there.

3. Prominent Veins

Blood clots place a lot of strain on your blood vessels, which may cause them to bulge prominently from beneath your skin. Sometimes if the pressure is severe, the vessel could burst open, which may cause bruising. 

4. Discolored Skin

If your leg is redder than usual and your foot is particularly pale, there may be a lot of built-up blood in your legs that can't make its way to your feet because of clotting.

5. Heat

A limb that feels a lot warmer than usual is one of the first signs of a blood clot forming in the body.

6. Shortness Of Breath And Dizziness

These symptoms could be caused by many different problems, which is why blood clots are so easily dismissed or misdiagnosed. If a blood clot settles in your lungs, it will restrict the airflow and cause extreme discomfort and difficulty while breathing.

7. Fever

Our bodies try to neutralize threats by making our bodies more inhospitable. When something is wrong, our immune system goes into overdrive, which can cause a fever and sweating. If you are suffering from a fever and suddenly feel a chill, seek medical attention immediately.

8. Chest Pain

You may instantly resort to associating this symptom with a heart attack, but heart attacks have other obvious symptoms that differ from a blood clot. If the sharpness in your chest worsens each time you inhale, it could be a blood clot.

9. Tiredness

Everyone suffers from fatigue from time to time, but if your tiredness overcomes you suddenly and without a known cause, this is a common symptom of a blood clot.

10. Coughing Fits

If a coughing fit comes out of nowhere and feels very dry and painful, you need to pay attention. A blood clot will make you feel like your body is trying to cough out your lungs. If this symptom is paired with dizziness and difficulty breathing, be mindful of clotting. If you ever cough up blood, that is cause to seek a doctor immediately.

Have you experienced any of these symptoms? Pass this info on to your friends and family so they can take care of themselves! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation 
with your doctor. Your health is important to us!