10 Ways How Not To Be A Useless Turd Of A Partner When Your Wife Has A Baby

Oct 26, 2018

Is your wife having a baby? Then, congratulations are in order for the two of you. But don't think that being a dad is just about raking in plaudits while your wife does all the work.

In order to prove your worth as a spouse and a father, you need to be pulling your weight. These are 10 things you need to do to help before, during, and after your wife gives birth.

1. Don't be grossed out


Yes, childbirth isn't the most visually-appealing process, but your wife is depending on your support. You should do all you can to be present and attend to her. Stay with her in the delivery room and encourage her all the way through.


2. Help Her Out


Going through childbirth can be excruciating. It can take hours upon hours of labor. This is going to put a strain on your wife, both mentally and physically. You need to be willing to pitch in as much as possible. Don't wait for her to tell you that she needs something.

Ask her regularly about how you can help. Even if it's just bringing a glass of water, you can make things so much more tolerable for her.

3. Give her emotional support


Being a new mother can be a frightening experience. Even if you've already had children, each one poses a unique set of challenges. Your wife needs to know that she's not alone. When she's feeling stressed or sad or scared, let her know that it'll be okay and that you believe in her.

4. Take care of everything


In the days after giving birth, your wife will want nothing more but to lie back. If you can do something, do it. Whether it's taking out the garbage, or making lunches, or washing dishes, this is your time to show just how helpful you can be.

Your wife needs time to recover and take care of your new baby. Even if you can't get everything done, you can still make some decent progress.

5. Help with your other kids


Juggling older kids with a new baby can be hard, which is why you should split up the task. While your wife is tending to the baby, you should be making sure your other kids aren't falling by the wayside.

This can be a good way for you to get in some much-needed bonding time.

6. Be grateful for your sleep arrangement


A hospital might not have five-star amenities, but you can make do. A night or two on a semi-uncomfortable bed is not going to ruin you. Just be glad that you are able to be there for your wife. Being a good husband means making sacrifices on a regular basis.

7. Make an actual effort


The stereotype of the clueless dad is one that we need to get rid of. Everyone goes into parenthood a bit blind, but that doesn't mean we should have lowered expectations based on gender. Your wife is as unsure as you are.

To be a good parent to a newborn, you need to be a parent, period. Don't shirk responsibility or act like you're incapable of grasping your responsibilities. There will be mistakes, but the biggest mistake would be not helping out at all.

8. Know how to handle breast milk


If your wife is pumping breast milk, you need to know how to store it properly. Get clear instructions and follow them properly. It's stressful enough for her to keep up this responsibility. The least you can do is make sure that this substance is taken care of.

9. Listen to her doctor


After childbirth, your wife's doctor will have instructions for keeping her postpartum health in check. Don't just nod and say you understand without actually understanding. Take notes, ask questions, and request written instructions if necessary. Your wife needs to heal, and you need to take an active role.

10. Keep on loving her


You know you love your wife, and you hopefully demonstrate it as much as possible. After she gives birth, you need to keep on showing her how much you love her and how wonderful you find her. She might be feeling some insecurity about her body.

Tell her about how gorgeous she is, from head to toe. You should also offer her all kinds of encouragement and gratitude for the amazing things she does. When she knows she has your affection, she can feel much stronger.

Parenting is not easy, but its rewards are more than worth it. Let us know how this compares to your own parenting experience. Show this to any friends or family members who are about to have a baby.