10 Things You Do Every Day That Make Your Skin Look Older
Oct 17, 2018
As the largest organ in the body, skin is one of the most important aspects of our overall health. Problems arising with skin can have a negative impact on the entire body. Furthermore, the condition of our skin is often associated with beauty and age.
People often put a lot of effort into skincare to look younger than they are. In reality, there are many daily habits that keep people looking older. Here are 10 everyday actions that make your skin look 10 years older.
10. Sleeping position
Although many people find that sleeping on their stomach to be the most comfortable, this position can have negative effects on the skin. Dark circles often develop under the eyes and swelling can even occur as blood supply is cut off. It is recommendable to sleep on your back instead of your stomach. This position helps to ward off these potential skin issues.
9. Not wearing protective sunglasses
The skin around our eyes is very thin and delicate. This is why wrinkles and other blemishes often occur in this area. Wearing sunglasses is a great way to help protect this area of skin from damaging sun rays. Make sure to buy sunglasses with UV protection.
8. Asymmetrical eating
Similar to writing tendencies, people often chew food on the same side of their mouth. Although this may seem negligible, this habit can actually lead to asymmetrical facial proportions. Chewing exclusively on one side of the mouth results in those face muscles becoming more toned than the other side.
7. Talking on the phone
It's a common habit for people to rest their phone in between the ear and shoulder when using it for calls. However, this position can lead to wrinkles on the neck and a sinking look in the cheeks. Using speakerphone or a headset is a better alternative that won't impact your skin at all.
6. Using a computer
Everyone has felt the neck pain after a long day of staring at a smartphone or computer. Remaining in a position with a titled neck for extended periods of time can lead to wrinkles and flabby skin. Staring at screens can also have negative effects on the eyes. Taking regular breaks throughout the day and cutting computer time can help to combat these issues.
5. Resting your chin on your hand
Whether you're in school or at work for a long period of time, it is a common habit to support your chin on your hand. We often do this out of boredom and to give our necks a break. This position can begin to sag as premature wrinkles appear.
4. Frowning too often
Frowning can have several negative effects on your facial features. Angled eyebrows, pursed lips and tense face muscles are all harmful to the skin. When you're feeling upset, try to wiggle your ears. This will help to relieve some of the stress.
3. Taking hot showers
Taking that hot shower after a long day of work may actually be damaging your skin. The heat from the water damages the outer layer of skin which can lead to exfoliation and dryness. While this isn't too harmful in short doses, taking hot showers on a daily basis should be avoided.
2. Using the AC for a long time
Air conditioners work by removing all of the humidity from the air. While this feels great when it is hot outside, this dryness can lead to a lot of skin issues such as irritation. If you can stand the heat, it is much better to leave the humidity in the air.
1. Cotton pillowcases
Cotton is a rough material to be constantly resting your face. This can lead to wrinkles and other issues. Satin or silk pillowcases will put less stress on your face during the night.
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