10 Surprising Warning Signs Your Body Needs To Be Detoxed

Jan 02, 2019

Detoxing the body sounds like a fancy luxury, but it is actually a bit more crucial than that. If you don't give your body a detox every once in a while, you can kiss the health of your liver goodbye.

The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the products we use, and even the water we drink is often composed of heavy metals, toxins, and harsh chemicals that can drastically impair the overall functioning of our bodies. Here are 10 unexpected signs that you need to detox.

1. You Have No Energy


When your body is largely consumed of toxins you will find that you barely have the energy to even get out of bed. While under toxic attack you will often feel drained of energy and lethargic throughout your day. Caffeine and other energy-boosters will likely have little to no effect when you experience this level of adrenal fatigue.


2. You Aren't Feeling The Effects Of Your Healthy Food Choices


Even after you have eaten a serving of fruits or vegetables you still feel "blah". Well, this is because your body needs to purge out the heavy metals and toxins lingering so that you are able to properly absorb nutrients. If your gut is coated with gunk, it doesn't matter if you decide to eat a banana every once in a while.

3. You Kind Of... Reek


Have you noticed that you have been having a strong, pungent body odor lately? Maybe you have to reapply deodorant a bit more often or just seem have been emitting an abnormal aroma as of late. Or no matter how long you brush your teeth or how much mouthwash you may gargle, you cannot seem to rid the "morning breath" smell. This is because your body is on an endless quest to eliminate toxins and when the task becomes unmanageable, you begin to smell like the foods that you consume.

4. You Are Cranky With No Apparent Cause


You may find that you have a significantly shorter fuse and often switch off between extreme highs and lows. You may even find yourself under an unshakeable funk and everything in your reach seems to annoy you. These stressors can also lead to autoimmune disorders.

5. Your Skin Is Itchy


What goes on inside of the body often shows up on the surface. If you are prone to eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea you may find yourself developing a rash. Other times you may just experience extreme dryness and itching of the skin.

6. You Are Scatterbrained


You just can't seem to get your thoughts in order. You have lost your keys three times before leaving for work this morning and can't seem to focus in for more than 30 seconds. On top of that, your cognition is at an all-time weakness. This level of brain fog often comes about as result of your body being unable to fight off all chemicals in your system.

7. You Can't Seem To Lose Weight


You can exercise as much as you want but if your body needs to be cleaned out, it will be nearly impossible to lose weight. Though all areas are at risk, you will commonly find that the abdominal area seems to be the most affected. This often comes about when your gut is overwhelmed with bad bacteria leading to the massive inflammation of the belly along with a weakened metabolism. Excessive gas, stomach aches, constipation, and diarrhea are common as well.

8. You Keep Getting Headaches Or Migraines


You consistently experience headaches for no apparent reason and no amount of pain relief medication can seem to offer assistance. Unwavering headaches usually indicate that there is something causing persistent harm to your body so you may not find relief until you do a thorough detox. This is common for those who have a gluten intolerance or consume a lot of dairy products.

9. You Are Experiencing "Seasonal Allergies" Out Of Season


Your sinuses are out of whack and there isn't a pollen tree in sight. In this case, your clogged sinuses are the byproduct of an unhealthy digestive system so skip out on the antihistamines and opt for a green juice instead.

10. Your Cravings Are Out Of Control


You have a sweet tooth that cannot be satisfied. This nightmare is the result of your blood sugar being thrown off balance, the presence of parasites, and the complete imbalance of hormones caused by toxic buildup.

Have you experienced any of the signs before? What other ways has your body indicated that it needed to be detoxed? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family so they can see if they need a detox, too!