10 Surprising Reasons You Should Be Sleeping Next To Someone You Love
Nov 23, 2018
Having an intimate relationship is one of the most meaningful experiences that a human being can have. Sharing time, emotions and experiences with another person can create a deep connection that remains special forever. These intimate relationships may even have benefits that most people don't think about. In fact, sleeping next to someone you love has a lot of advantages.
Here are 10 reasons why laying next to an intimate partner is a good idea.
1. Cuddling can make for a more satisfying relationship.
Couples who cuddle often tend to have a more trusting relationship. This intimacy can also make the relationship more satisfying overall for each partner.

2. It can help you sleep better.
Another great reason to sleep next to someone you love is for a better night's sleep. As cuddling can make a couple more relaxed, this often translates into a deeper sleep. This ensures that both partners are well-rested for the next day.
3. Cuddling is a great way to start the day.
Cuddling doesn't just have benefits during the night. Couples can wake up smiling after spending an amazing night in the arms of their partner. Waking up with this sense of happiness can help make the rest of the day positive.
4. It helps to regulate blood pressure.
Research has shown cuddling to be a great way to maintain blood pressure. While stress from daily life can escalate some people's blood pressure, cuddling with a partner can help combat this problem. In general, couples are more calm and relaxed when laying next to their loved one. This sense of calmness helps to lower blood pressure and keep it at a healthy level.
5. It can make you feel happier on a chemical level.
Studies have shown that our brain's release a hormone called Oxytocin while sleeping next to an intimate partner. This Oxytocin is partly responsible for making us feel happy and positive about ourselves. While in the arms of a loved one, our brains begin to release this positive hormone and provide us with all of these great feelings. Consider jumping into bed and cuddling with your partner next time either of you is feeling down. It could be just the trick to help you feel better.
6. Cuddling can help beat those hectic schedules.
Couples sometimes have trouble finding time to spend together during the week. Work and other obligations for each individual require a lot of time Monday through Friday. While the weekends are always taken advantage of, it's nice to be able to have some time during the week. Cuddling after a long day at work is a great way for couples to spend time.
7. An intimate form of communication.
While talking is a critical form of communication for all couples, it isn't the only way to express feelings and emotions. In fact, a large portion of human-to-human communication comes from non-verbal expressions. Cuddling is another form of communication that has a lot of benefits for a couple. This form of intimate contact can create feelings of safety and belonging. Couples can feel that they have each other's backs during these moments.
8. Cuddling can reduce cravings.
When you're laying next to someone you love with arms wrapped around them, your brain isn't very active. Sleeping next to a loved one is calming and therapeutic. In fact, some research has even found that cuddling can help reduce all kinds of cravings. From smoking and over-eating to all bad habits in general, these cravings seem to diminish when a couple is cuddling. This is an excellent way to help proactively fight off bad habits.
9. Research says it's a good idea.
There have been several studies conducted on the relationship between couples who cuddle and the health of their relationships. Couples who cuddle on a daily basis have been shown to stay together for a longer period of time. These couples also tend to be more faithful than couples who are only together for sex. Cuddling is can be more intimate and create a deeper connection than sex.
10. It's one of the best feelings in a relationship.
Relationships are complicated and have many different layers and dimensions. They are mixes of ups and downs that couples learn to handle as a team. One of the greatest feelings to come from these intimate relationships is the intimacy of sleeping next to a person whom you love.
Show this list of ten reasons to your significant other to encourage more cuddling time in the relationship.