10 Strange Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying To Contact You

Aug 02, 2018

We've all hoped for a sign that someone was listening and watching over us. We've hoped that some higher being could intervene and save us from danger and keep us on the right path. I never believed in angels until my life fell apart.

I was happily married to a man I was trying to start a family with and I couldn't imagine life without him. A few years ago, both of us lost our jobs and, after months of unemployment and no hope of getting new jobs, the stress broke us.

After selling the house I thought we'd live in until we died, I moved to the city. As I was growing older, I felt like I was taking more steps back than forward. I felt afraid to fail again. Then something weird happened.

For a whole week I kept having the same dream. I was walking up lots of stairs to get into a brown building I'd never seen before. As I soon found out, this building was real, and it was a few blocks from my apartment, and it was a firm looking for people to hire with my exact qualifications.

I couldn't believe this strange twist of fate. The only thing that makes sense is that my guardian angel was trying to lead me to where I'm supposed to be. We can't see our guardian angels, but here are some ways they try to communicate with us.


1. Seeing A Feather On Your Path

Feathers, especially white ones, are a sign of protection. Your guardian angel is trying to tell you to stay strong in times of hardship. You can take your feather and keep it somewhere special to remind yourself to be positive.

2. Babies And Dogs Acting Abnormally

Babies and animals have pure souls who can sense the presence of spirits. If a baby or pet is staring at nothing, they're probably staring at a guardian angel. If a baby is giggling, that means there is a good spirit around.

3. Finding Coins In Unusual Spots

Guardian angels like to leave you little treasures to surprise you. This could mean finding a shiny pebble or another nice trinket in a place you wouldn't expect it to be.

4. Music

If you hear angelic music like a choir singing to you, then your guardian angel is trying to tell you to focus on what you're doing and think about the decisions you're making. Be extra careful in weighing pros and cons before jumping into something you might not be prepared for.

5. Flickering Lights

When any lights start acting unusual, your guardian angel is trying to find another way to tell you to focus on your thoughts. This is a similar sign to the music. Take time and slow down to concentrate.

6. Coincidences

Are strange things happening and falling into place? Guardian angels never make coincidences. You are being guided and protected!

7. Specific Smells

Pleasant smells like perfume, vanilla, and even aftershave have been associated with angels. You may even smell someone who you love who has passed and they are trying to tell you they love you.

8. Temperature Changes

Spikes in temperature mean an angel is nearby. If you feel chilled, pay close attention to your surroundings. If you feel warm, know that life will be okay.

9. Dreams

Just like my experience, guardian angels may be trying to communicate with you subtly while you sleep. Try to remember every detail of your dreams to analyze them!

10. Feeling Them

You may be lucky enough to just know someone is there with you. Your hairs might stand, you might feel tingling on your skin, or maybe you hear soft voices. Bask in this feeling and gain deep comfort.

Have you ever felt your guardian angel? Let everyone know how theirs might be trying to communicate with them!