10 Signs You’re Being Watched By A Guardian Angel

Oct 11, 2018

Angels are the topic of conversation among many religions.

10 Signs You’re Being Watched By A Guardian Angel

Angels are the topic of conversation among many religions. Even people who aren’t particularly dedicated to one type of religion often believe that there are angels watching over us every day.

Thinking there are angels around us can be a very comforting feeling. It makes you feel good inside to think that someone of a higher power is out there watching what we do and making sure we are safe. Many people believe that they have guardian angels that watch over them and are there whenever we need guidance.


We often believe that a higher power allowed us to get out of the way of an accident or caused us to avoid a deadly virus. To be honest, we could say that angels have saved us from hundreds of situations where we could have been hurt or killed.

We do have angels watching over us all. There are signs to look out for that will specifically tell you that a guardian angel has your back. You just have to be aware and receptive of them when they appear! Here are 10 signs to watch out for that will tell you an angel is there for you.

1. Finding Feathers


Feathers are a popular item associated with guardian angels. If you happen to find feathers in an area that you normally wouldn’t expect to see any, this could be the work of a guardian angel. Angles leave feathers to show that they have been there, watching over you. This is even more true if you find a white feather.

2. Finding a Penny Heads-Up


We have all heard of the saying that if you find a penny heads-up, you will have good luck. However, another story goes that it is guardian angels leaving pennies behind as a message to us, as well as a blessing. It is to make you feel happy and loved.

3. Common Rainbows in the Sky


Rainbows are said to have a very spiritual meaning behind them. They are beautiful to see, with or without the rain. If you happen to see a rainbow even though there is no rain, it is probably a sign from an angel. Angels want us to know that they are close and send rainbows to remind us.

4. Oddly Shaped Clouds in the Sky


We have all looked at clouds and commented on their shapes, but were you aware that they could be a sign of angels? Traces and sways in clouds can mean that your guardian angel is paying attention to you. It may even mean they are trying to guide you a certain way. You may see the shape of an angel, flowers, or hearts in the clouds when they are trying to contact you.

5. Temperature Changes

Guardian angels exist only thorough vibes and frequencies. When one is around, the air molecules close by will react to their presence. If you suddenly notice a random temperature change when there shouldn’t be one, it is likely your guardian angel trying to tell you something they think is very important. But remember, you have to believe it!

6. Feeling a Close Presence

We often feel as if we are being watched. This can make us feel uncomfortable at times, but it isn’t always a bad thing. Feeling as though someone is watching you can be an indication of a guardian angel. A deceased loved one may be watching out for your well-being or just trying to keep up with your life. When you feel a presence in the room that you cannot explain, this may be a sign that they are there.

7. Hearing Your Name Called Out

If you have ever been walking somewhere or just minding your own business at home and you hear your name being called out, you aren’t alone. When it happens, you immediately pay attention, right? This often means your guardian angel is trying hard to make you pay attention to them. You can see if you can figure out what they want by opening yourself up to the possibility.

8. Vivid Memories and Dreams

We all dream, right? It’s normal to have weird, vivid dreams from time to time. But if your dreams are very vivid or you can remember them well, your guardian angel may be trying to contact you. You may also have a memory that is very sudden and vivid pop into your head. This is another way your angels try to nudge you.

9. Enhanced Senses

Have you noticed that you can all of a sudden smell, see, or hear better? It probably doesn’t last very long, but this means that your angel is telling you that you are doing something right in your life. Pay attention and think about your life and what you are doing if this happens to you- it means that you are on the right track!

10. Electronics Acting Up

Have you ever entered a room and had the television turn on all by itself or switch to a channel of just static? This means that your guardian angel is there and trying to contact you. Spirits use frequencies and this often causes electronics to act up.

Do you think you have noticed a guardian angel? Like & spread this post for much more!