10 Milestones That Are Important To Women Besides Marriage And Kids

Mar 08, 2018

There is no perfect rubric to follow that guarantees you will have a worthwhile life, because everyone has their own definition of what “happiness” and “success” is. Some women may think traveling the world and experiencing different cultures is the key to a fulfilling life, while other women value their ability to procreate and be a fierce protective mother.

There is no right answer, but we’ve compiled a list of milestones that most women agree make them feel amazing and accomplished. Read through to see if you agree!

1. Getting A University Degree

Going to college has become a societal norm, but don’t ever think that it’s not something worth celebrating. Investing extra time into your education so that you become a more rounded and intelligent human being is incredibly admirable. You should always feel proud of your hard work and what you have accomplished.

2. Getting Your Own Place

Moving out of your parent or guardian’s place is a major step forward in adulthood. Paying your own bills, buying food, and taking care of home repairs is a big deal. Being able to afford your own place shows you work hard for what you want.

3. Landing A Great Job

You wrote and rewrote your resume a dozen times, filled out a ton of online applications, went on countless interviews, and the moment is finally here! Your first job doing what you really want. Bonus points if it’s a position you’ve been working years towards. Relish the moment and look forward to how far you’ll go. It’s only uphill from here!


4. Buying A New Car

The first cars we drive are usually our parents' or old used clunkers that can just get us from point A to B. A new car is one of the most expensive things people purchase, so be proud of yourself for being able to afford a shiny new vehicle.


5. Your First Pet

If you love animals, then you’ve probably had a few pets growing up. It shows great maturity and selflessness to have a pet of your own once you no longer live with your family. Pets require care, love, and a solid bank account. Vet bills are expensive! You should feel good about giving your animal friend a home.


6. Staying Healthy

Going to the gym or sticking to a strict health or fitness plan is a struggle for most people. If you’re someone who has not let a tiring work or school schedule get in the way of your health, then you should feel very accomplished. You are taking care of yourself and extending your life. Health is wealth!

7. Quitting A Bad Job

When we’re young, we often hold on to whatever job we have because we can’t afford the financial blow of being unemployed. But as you move up in your career, it becomes easier to identify your worth and cut ties with companies that are taking advantage of you. Having the ability to say “no more” is an admirable trait and shows great strength.


8. Ending A Toxic Relationship Or Friendship

People come and go from our lives, even if they were once someone we considered our best friend. Having the maturity to identify when someone is causing you more good than harm is a pivotal point in life. Walking away from people who weigh you down shows how far you’ve progressed.


9. Going On Your First Big Vacation/Adventure

Most of us dream about going on luxurious vacations or adventures, but money and time always seem to stand in the way. When you finally hit the point in your life where you can afford to go to the places you’ve dreamed about, then that is worth celebrating.

10. Building A Good Credit Score

Having a strong credit score is incredibly important when you’re trying to afford something huge or build a family. Paying your bills on time and making smart financial decisions takes discipline and maturity. Not everyone can do it and get swallowed by debt, so feel proud!


Have you celebrated any of these milestones yet? SHARE this article and let us know which milestones have been most important to you!