10 Interviews With Sam Elliott That'll Turn Him Into A Man Crush If He Wasn't Yet

Mar 31, 2020

75-year-old actor Sam Elliott’s deep bass voice and thick gray mustache are the signatures that have made him a Hollywood mainstay for decades. Over the years he has opened up through interviews about his philosophies and personal life. Now they are collected below so you can see just how much of a dreamy guy he is. 

1. He believes in living in the moment

Elliott went into acting because he’s a creative person, and part of his process is taking each moment as it comes rather than overthinking the past or the future.

“It’s about the people I’m working with at the time, and just going in and enjoying the process.” He told The Guardian, “It’s hard work, but it’s a creative, artistic process. And if you can’t enjoy that, then you’re going about it wrong.”


2. He doesn’t brag about his mustache

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

There are only one or two other celebrities that come to mind with signature facial hair and one of them is Tom Selleck. When asked about the comparison, Elliott didn’t want to be overly boastful.

“Right now I’ve got more of a mustache than Tom does, but I know he can grow one,” He said to Vanity Fair, “I don’t think he’s ever grown his out the way I’ve grown mine out over the years.”

3. He was too scared to talk to the woman who would later be his wife

It’s sweet that Elliott was as shy as a schoolboy when he met his future wife. He was nervous to approach her but eventually, he did, and they started dating.

“My wife, Katharine Ross, and I both worked on 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid', but I didn't dare try to talk to her then,” He told AARP Magazine, “She was the leading lady. I was a shadow on the wall, a glorified extra in a bar scene.”

4. Their honeymoon was interrupted because Katharine made him audition for a movie

The two newlyweds were on a vacation in Hawaii when Elliott got a call to audition for what would later be his big breakout role in “The Mask,” acting opposite Cher. He rejected the invitation but Katherine later called back his agent and told him she’d get him to the audition, he told The New York Times.

5. He feels blessed

Being a family man and a creative force can be very difficult to juggle in life. But Elliott has both.

“The two things that I wanted in my life were to have a movie career and to be married, to have a family,” He told NPR, “And it's an embarrassment of riches that I've got both.”

6. He has unresolved matters with his father

Elliott’s father sadly passed away when he was only 18. He wasn’t around to see Elliott’s career flourish and grow. He told The Star about how that affected him:

"He died thinking,`Man, this kid is going to go down the wrong path.' And I think on some levels that was either hard on me or made me more focused in my resolve to have a career, you know what I mean?"

7. He does credit his dad for being a hard worker

His father worked for the Fish and Wildlife Service in the Pacific Northwest, and that was a big influence on him as an actor and in his job.

“...I was outdoors a lot in my lifetime. And I was with my dad and my - and his peers, who were all men's men and outdoorsmen,” He told NPR,  “All had incredible work ethics and were all good men.”

8. His deep, signature voice has changed over time

When asked about his signature baritone, he told NPR, “It came with age. It just kept going down the older I got - can't imagine it's going to go much further."

9. He is okay with picking the right roles instead of just any role that comes along

Elliott is discerning when it comes to choosing the roles that fit him as an actor. 

IMDB reports that he said, “I'm picky, very picky. I wanted to be an actor since I was nine years old and I figured that was only one way to ever have any longevity and that's to be careful about what kind of work you do.”

10. His part in The Big Lebowski was written specifically for him

In an interview with NPR, he recounts the time he read “The Big Lebowski”’s script for the first time:

“And as I opened up and read, you know - a couple of pages in, and it's talking about this voice-over. And it said literally on the page, the voice-over sounded not unlike Sam Elliott...And then later on when he appears in the bowling alley, here's this guy dressed like a drugstore cowboy, looking not unlike Sam Elliott. So I guess they wrote it for me. They certainly wrote it with me in mind. But from then on, I just knew that I should just be thankful for that way that I'm perceived by others in the game as the Western character, you know, because if - had that not happened, I probably wouldn't have had the career that I've had…”

If you don’t have a crush on Sam Elliott by now, you should go and watch one of his great movies like “The Big Lebowski,” “A Star Is Born,” or “The Mask.” He is an iconic actor in cinema history but is also a kind-hearted guy in his personal life.

Or you can watch the video below which highlights some of his greatest roles:

There are not many men out there like Sam Elliott! Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.