10 Interesting Ways To Sleep Better

May 29, 2018

Do you find yourself tossing and turning through the night? Are you having trouble even making it to being lightly asleep? Do you always feel tired in the morning and are you finding it hard to stay focused at work?

Are you desperately looking for something that helps you fall asleep faster? 

Then, these tips are meant for you!


1. Left Nostril Breathing 

That's right. You should be breathing through your left nostril and just your left nostril. That is, if you want to get to sleep. The reason being that left nostril breathing is scientifically associated with calming one's mind and body.

2. Warm Milk 

It's one of those sleep remedies that's been around for ages and for good reason. Drinking warm milk is an activity that can soothe and calm, making it perfect for helping you get into the sleep state.

3. Cold Water Soak 

It might seem counterintuitive to use cold water as a means of making yourself drowsy. However, cold water can let heat flow through your body more easily. With a more regulated body temperature, you can feel all the more comfortable when it comes time to sleep.

4. Eye-rolling 

We hope you're not rolling your eyes at this suggestion. When you sleep, your eyes are actually rolling. So, you should try closing your eyes and roll them around. It can help you get into your relaxed sleep mode. 

5. Sex 

Sex is a great way to feel relaxed and ready for bed. It can improve your mood and decrease stress. Additionally, if you don't have a partner, you can still sleep well.

6. Toe-curling 

If you curl your toes while lying in bed, the repetitive action will put your mind in a much more relaxed state. It can also be nice to get some exercise as you drift off to sleep.

7. Mouth Guard Use 

Grinding your teeth can make sleep unpleasant, both for yourself and for your sleeping partners. Therefore, you should spring for a mouthguard to wear. It will make sleep more restful and keep your teeth in proper working condition. 

8. Wear Ear Plugs 

If you have sensitive ears, your sleep could be disrupted by even the slightest of sounds. In order to not worry about the sounds of passing traffic and roommates, you should wear ear plugs. Just make sure they won't cause you to miss your alarm when it's time to wake up.

9. Eye Mask 

Intrusive light can be a real issue when trying to fall asleep. A sleep mask is a low-cost solution to this problem. Find a quality, comfortable one to don while you sleep. It will make going to sleep all the easier.

10. Sleep Somewhere Else 

This is a last-resort solution, but it's one that can definitely work. If you aren't able to get comfortable in your bed, try going to your living room to sleep on the couch. The new environment can make a world of difference when it comes to making yourself relaxed and ready for bed. 

We hope these tips have given you some great inspiration for how you can beat insomnia and make it to bed quickly and easily.

Spread the word to your friends and let us know if there are any tips you would like to share.