10 Genius Uses For Toothpaste Other Than Cleaning Your Teeth. Did You Know About Number 6?

Mar 07, 2018

Toothpaste is more than just the stuff you put on your toothbrush to give your pearly whites that extra shine. Toothpaste happens to be a handy go-to for so many tasks. So instead of running to the drug or hardware store, check out your bathroom cupboard to make use of this handy secret weapon.

1. Remove Ink Stains

If you’ve ever forgotten to take a pen out of your pocket before washing then you’ll know this problem all too well. Luckily, you don’t need to throw your beloved clothes away, just reach for the toothpaste! Rub some toothpaste onto the stain, leave it to work in overnight then wash it like normal the next day and hey presto, the stain is gone!


2. Clean Your Headlights

Car cleaning kits can cost the earth and it’s so unnecessary. Rubbing some toothpaste on headlights will give them a thorough spring clean for very little money.

3. Polish Your Silver

If you have silver jewelry or silver cutlery and the like laying about, then give your treasures renewed gleam by rubbing some toothpaste over them with a soft cloth. Be sure to wash the minty paste away and be amazed at the shine your silver goods now have!

4. Clear Foggy Swimming Goggles

Keen swimmers will know this problem all too well. When goggles steam up it can be infuriating. By rubbing a light layer of toothpaste over the lenses, you’ll create a barrier which prevents them from fogging.

5. Lifting Water Stains

Wooden tables are notorious for staining when wet cups and mugs are put on them. Instead of despairing, working some toothpaste into the stains can do wonders for reducing their visibility and even removing them all together!

6. Dry Out Pimples

Pimples always seem to rear their ugly head at the most inconvenient time. If a zit strikes, put a little toothpaste over it to dry it out. It works best if you do this before bed and let it work overnight.

7. Sooth Bug Bites

During hot months, mosquitos and other bugs are prone to giving us insect bites. Boy do they itch! But if you pop a little toothpaste on the affected area, you will feel instant, soothing relief.

8. Remove Nail Polish

How often have you been caught short on holiday or even at home with busted nails and no nail polish remover? Well, toothpaste does just as good a job and who runs out of toothpaste? Rub it into your nails and depending on how thick the layers are, leave to soak. Then rub off!

9. Repair Scratched CDs

We may be in the digital age, but if you're like me you still have plenty of your old favorites on CD. It can be crushing when a beloved CD gets a scratch. Never fear though! Rubbing some toothpaste over the scratch helps fill in the tiny gouge and allows the CD to be played like normal again.

10. Clean Car Scratches

Dings on cars are inevitable at a certain point. But instead of paying through the nose to have the car repainted, try rubbing some toothpaste over the scratches. It may not be a permanent fix but for small dings, it can be a lifesaver!

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