10 Exercises To Target That Stubborn Belly Fat

Dec 03, 2018

Take a tape measure and see how large your waistline is. According to the Harvard School for Public Health, Women with a waistline larger than 35 inches are considered "abdominally obese" and are at higher risk of having health problems in the future, such as heart disease, for example. 

Visceral fat deep in your abdomen effects your insulin production while increasing stress hormones. Keep your abdomen in good shape to prevent this from happening.

It is worth noting that exercise alone is not the solution, so keep in mind that this work out regimen should be accompanied with a healthy diet in order to obtain desirable results. 

Let's look at 10 exercises to help you burn that fat away.

#10 Reclined Spinal Twists


#9 Reverse Plank Kicks

#8 Criss-Cross

#7 Knee-to-Elbow Plank

#6 Russian Twists

#5 Toe-Touch Crunches

#4 Low-belly Leg Reach

#3 Butterfly Crunch

#2 Single Leg Hamstring Bridge

#1 Leg Lifts

What exercises do you use to burn abdominal fat? Let us know. Also, give your family and friends a chance to learn something new today.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!