Prinsesse Diana's sidste kæreste Dodi Al-Fayed præsenteres
Jan 10, 2022 by apost team
Prinsesse Diana var elsket ikke kun af den britiske offentlighed, men af folk over hele verden. Hun brugte sin status og indflydelse til at gøre noget godt og brugte meget af sin tid på at føre kampagner for humanitære formål, der forbedrede andres liv. Hun sad sammen med syge mennesker og hjalp med at bryde stigmatiseringen af de dengang nye sygdomme hiv og aids. Dette er blot nogle få af de mange grunde til, at Diana huskes som "Folkets prinsesse"
Dianas tidlige død den 31. august 1997 var et hjerteskærende øjeblik, der ødelagde mennesker over hele verden. Siden da er hun blevet mindet gennem hendes sønner, prins William og prins Harry. Der har også været mange hyldest- og mindesmærker dedikeret til hende gennem årene i håb om at videreføre hendes arv og sprede hendes budskab vidt og bredt. Den dag i dag er Diana stadig ofte omtalt og endda omtalt i forskellige medier, hvad enten det er for hendes velgørende gerninger, hendes upåklagelige modesans eller for hvordan hun var som mor.
I løbet af sit liv var Diana berømt for sin forbindelse med prins Charles, som hun havde været gift med i 15 år, før deres ægteskab blev ophævet efter hans affære. Offentlige undersøgelser og modreaktioner fik i sidste ende Diana til at ønske at forlade den kongelige familie i håb om at leve et mere privat liv. Hendes forhold til Charles var dog ikke hendes eneste offentligt omtalte forhold. Hendes sidste kæreste var Dodi Al-Fayed, som desværre døde i den tragiske bilulykke sammen med hende. Læs videre for at finde ud af mere om deres forhold.
Tidligt liv og status
Diana Spencer blev født den 1. juli 1961 og voksede op tæt op med den kongelige familie. Mens hun arbejdede som pædagogmedhjælper i 1981, blev hun forlovet med Charles, dronning Elizabeth II's ældste søn, og det varede ikke længe, før parret blev officielt gift. Deres bryllup fandt sted i St. Paul's Cathedral senere samme år, hvilket gjorde hende til den officielle prinsesse af Wales. Parret fik senere to sønner, William og Harry.
Selv om Diana var prinsesse, var hendes liv alt andet end et eventyr. Mens offentligheden og Commonwealth først tog begejstret imod prinsessen, vendte de sig senere hen imod hende. I sin tid som et aktivt medlem af den kongelige familie kæmpede Diana. Der var mange problemer i hendes ægteskab med Charles, og de to endte med at gå fra hinanden i mange år, før deres skilsmisse blev officielt afsluttet
Diana gik fra at være centrum for opmærksomhed og en nøgleperson i offentlighedens øjne til at trække sig tilbage fra den type livsstil efter sin ægteskabelige separation. Hun fortsatte med at leve op til sit ansvar og optrådte lejlighedsvis til royale arrangementer, men hendes tilstedeværelse var ikke så fremtrædende som tidligere.
I denne vanskelige tid syntes medierne at være på Charles' side, mens Diana modtog hård kritik for sin opførsel. Mens hun tog sig tid til at vokse på egen hånd, fandt Diana sin stemme. Ifølge iNews havde Diana arbejdet på at finde modet til at tale om de problemer, hun havde, ved at bruge medierne til sin fordel.
At finde sin stemme
Dianas BBC-interview med journalisten Martin Bashir i 1995 gav hende en følelse af utilstrækkelighed, efter at hun afslørede sine psykiske problemer og problemer i sit ægteskab, men fik kun lidt støtte. iNews rapporterede, at mange mennesker mente, at prinsessen af Wales burde have "vakt medlidenhed som et offer for den glubske presse", men at hun i stedet gjorde oprør og begik "forbrydelser mod kongeligheden"
I flere perioder af deres forhold havde Diana givet udtryk for, at der var tre personer i hendes forhold, idet hun pegede på sin mands affære med Camilla, hertuginden af Cornwall. Både Diana og Charles havde offentlige interviews, hvor de beskrev denne kamp, men mens Charles blev beskyttet af medierne, blev Diana skambidt for at tale så dårligt om et medlem af den kongelige familie.
Nicholas Soames hævdede, at Diana "var i en fremskreden fase af paranoia", ifølge iNews. Han var minister i regeringen på det tidspunkt. Feministen Bea Campbell sagde engang, at "de fremstillede (Dianas) mytteri som galskab" Under sit BBC-interview med Bashir talte Diana om sine personlige oplevelser og prøvelser, men blev for det meste kritiseret for at bringe sådanne problemer frem i lyset. Det virkede som om medierne var meget på Charles' side og støttede ham for at stå frem om sin affære; medierne havde vendt sig mod Diana for at udtrykke sine egne tanker og følelser om netop det samme emne.
Mellem 1992 og 1993 hyrede prinsessen af Wales en stemmetræner, Peter Settlelen, til at hjælpe hende med at udvikle sin stemme i offentlige talerum bedre. Hun havde arbejdet på at blive en bedre offentlig person, samtidig med at hun også havde talt bittert om Charles og den måde, han behandlede hende på i deres forhold
Life In The Public Eye
In December 1993, Diana made the decision to withdraw from the public but partially returned in the following year for the occasional commitment and appearance. The princess continued to work on herself and enlisted the help of voice coach Stewart Pearce.
“She knew that her voice was not powerful,” Pearce told People in May 2021. “She knew that her voice was a voice of submission, not a voice of triumph. She wanted to find that.” After working on her confidence and sticking with Pearce, Diana found her voice of courage and triumph, especially while giving public speeches.
Although Diana is no longer with us, her attitude, dedication, and hard work have contributed to helping many people across the world overcome their own obstacles. People reported that the speech Harry gave when he left the royal family was extremely similar to his late mother’s, showcasing just how impactful her actions really were.
During her life, Diana always made her children her first priority and frequently included them in her royal outings. The Independent reported that Diana took William with her on her first overseas tour in 1983 when he was only nine months old. In April 1985, Charles and Diana took both of their sons on a 17-day tour of Italy; Harry was only seven months old at the time.
The Princess of Wales also did many normal activities with her sons, such as going to the movies, visiting amusement parks, and enjoying standard day-to-day activities with each other. Harry explained that her motto was: “You can be as naughty as you want, just don’t get caught.”
Diana’s Legacy
No matter how many years pass, it’s evident that the Princess of Wales will never be forgotten. Following Diana’s tragic death, many of her family members paid tribute to honor the late princess. On July 1, 2021, William and Harry came together at Kensington Palace to commemorate and unveil a statue of their mother on what would have been her 60th birthday.
The Spencer family has also done their part to pay tribute to Diana. Charles Spencer, Diana’s brother, took to Instagram to post a photo of the Spencer family home that flew a flag at half-mast in honor of his sister’s passing. Spencer has continued to be quite thoughtful when it comes to remembering his sister on her birthday and death anniversary.
According to Hello! Magazine, Diana’s brother said:
“I remember my father always used to talk about the day Diana was born actually, the July, 1, 1961, and it was a sweltering hot day and this wonderful daughter appeared and it’s so funny to be of an age now where your slightly older sister is 60 but yes, it will be an emotional day but, you know, I think it will be a tribute to a much missed and much loved sister, mother, whatever.”
Diana’s final resting place is at Althorp House, a place that Spencer visits often. He said:
“I do, and every landmark day, such as birthday, or Mother’s Day I always take flowers, of course, and I do go to a lot and take the children over. It’s an oasis of calm, actually. It’s a lovely place to go.”
The Truth Behind Her Death
In June 2021, a team of medical professionals spoke out to explain what happened in the early hours of the morning on the day that the Princess of Wales died. The Independent reported that the doctors said they tried “everything possible” to revive her. Dr. MonSef Dahman was a general surgeon at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris and was told upon arrival that he would be treating Diana.
“It only took that moment for all this unusual activity to become clear to me,” he said. Dahman continued, “For any doctor, any surgeon, it is of very great importance to be faced with such a young woman who is in this condition. But of course even more so if she is a princess.” After taking an X-ray, the doctor found that Diana was suffering from “very serious internal bleeding,” so he tried to remove the excess fluid from her chest cavity and gave her an external heart massage and emergency surgery to “enable her to breathe.”
The Independent reported that Diana had suffered a significant tear in her pericardium, which protects the heart. Professor Alain Pavie, a heart surgeon, arrived to help save Diana and discovered that she had a tear in her upper left pulmonary vein. Although Pavie was able to stitch up the lesion, Diana’s heart had already stopped and would not restart.
Professors Riou and Pavie, and Dahman did all they could for a good hour to help save the princess, including electric shock, but nothing worked. Dahman revealed that not being able to save the Princess of Wales affected him “very much.”
Her Last Relationship
Another person had been in the tragic car accident that took Diana’s life: her then-boyfriend, Fayed. Fayed was known for being an Egyptian film producer, as well as the son of a billionaire named Mohamed Al-Fayed.
Fayed and Diana had just started dating a few weeks earlier and spent a total of nine days together on a romantic vacation. The couple actually started their last day together with a relaxed breakfast on Italy’s Emerald Coast, located on the island of Sardinia. The pair had been spotted holding hands and laughing at the time.
Later that day, Diana told a friend named Richard Kay that she was going to completely withdraw from public life within the next 12 months, something that she had already slowly been doing. According to the Washington Post, it was believed that the Princess of Wales wanted to focus on her private life with Fayed, and he had planned to propose to her that coming evening. Sadly, Fayed’s hopes to marry the princess never materialized.
As soon as the couple arrived in Paris that afternoon, they were quickly spotted by paparazzi, who seemingly followed Diana and Fayed’s every move. Growing frustrated with the increase in paparazzi as the day went on, Fayed tried to figure out how to get himself and Diana back to his apartment, where he planned to propose. The couple managed to slip out the back door of the Ritz and entered a car that was driven by Henri Paul, a hotel security officer who was drunk, unbeknownst to Diana and Fayed.
Keeping Their Memory Alive
The paparazzi quickly caught on to the plan and chased the car through the Parisian streets. At 12:23 a.m., the car struck a wall before colliding with a pillar. Fayed died instantly. According to USA Today, Diana was initially alert but later went into cardiac arrest and died a few hours later.
In 2005, a bronze statue was unveiled at Harrods, a department store in London, to honor Diana and Fayed eight years after they died. According to CNN, Mohamed was the owner of Harrods and wanted to create something to remember his son and Diana. Mohamed said:
“Many thousands of people have written to me over the last several years thanking me for remembering the lives of Dodi and Diana with the memorial at Harrods. In the absence of any further official memorial for these two innocent victims… I wanted to keep their spirits alive with a further gesture.”
Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan of the lovers. According to a 2010 article from the Guardian, Tony Blair – the former Prime Minister of the UK who gave Diana the moniker as the “People’s Princess” – had told Diana that her relationship with Fayed was a problem. “It had not been all that easy,” he said, explaining that the Princess of Wales did not like him interfering with her relationship.
Diana’s good deeds and legacy have continued to live on, as well as her previous dating history and complications within her personal life. Although she and Fayed did not get much time together, it’s clear that they loved each other and will continue to be remembered.
Dodi al Fayed (1990), (Aaron Rapoport / CORBIS OUTLINE / Corbis via Getty Images)Did you know about Princess Diana’s last relationship? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your friends and family, too.