Barn perfektionerer dansebevægelser over måneder. Bare 4 sekunder inde i hendes dans, løfter hendes brødre det til et helt andet niveau
Feb 27, 2019
Det lader til, at alle har hørt om Fortnite's multispiller-videospil de her dage. Det er et fænomen, der hurtigt blev populært over hele verden! Selv om mange forældre og kærester måske ikke forstår spillet og gerne vil have deres elskede til at lægge controlleren fra sig, kommer det ikke til at ske lige foreløbigt.
Medmindre de selvfølgelig øver sig på de cool dansebevægelser, som de har lært i spillet!
During the game, players can make their character perform dance moves like the floss, jubilation, and orange justice.
You yourself may have been really confused by a kid saying they're flossing when they're waving their arms back and forth and had no idea what it had to do with dental hygiene.
A little girl learned some of these moves from watching her big brothers play the game and busted them out while listening to "Powerglide" in her basement.
The adorable dance routine was being taped by her mom when her three big brothers jumped in and showed them that Fornite taught them how to dance too!
There are even dance challenges on the internet encouraging fans to get up and move!
The video starts out with her long, straight hair over her face and her little fist pumping in the air as she hops on one leg while hopping with the other.
This move is called the "shoo" in Fortnite.
Just a few seconds after she starts her dance, her brothers start to join in one by one with their own Fornite moves that have viewers laughing and trying the moves out themselves!
Watch the video and give us your opinion on these kids' video-game inspired dance routine! Maybe the Fortnite fans in your life have some moves to show you as well!
If this video made you smile, make sure you show it to your friends and family to brighten their day!