Pit Bull Taken To Shelter Because Family’s Expecting A Baby

Oct 21, 2020 by apost team

It is a sad truth that many people are incapable of responsible pet ownership. When you adopt a pet, you are not buying a temporary plaything. Rather, you are making a lifelong commitment to love and care for another living creature.

Much like wedding vows, pet ownership is meant to be through good and bad, sickness and health, until death do you part. Sadly, this is often forgotten. The problem is worsened by people succumbing to false stereotypes about certain animals. This is the case with a pit bull from New York who was going to be put down when his family was expecting a baby.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Pit bulls have gotten a very unfair reputation. Despite being one of the most gentle breeds in existence, the media often portrays them as violent or dangerous. This could not be further from the truth. The original name of "Pitties" had nothing to do with the horrible fighting fits that now lend their name.

Rather, the original name was "Nanny Dogs." These gentle creatures were originally bred during Victorian times as companions to young children, reports AnimalWised. A quick search of that term will reveal hundreds of photos of toddlers standing proudly with their so-called "vicious" playmates.

The bully breed in question here became the victim of irresponsible and cruel owners. Despite adopting the dog for life, they chose to abandon it when they had a child. The dog had never shown any aggression and would have been a wonderful companion to their child. Yet, they cast the dog off like common garbage, placing it in a kill shelter, scared and alone.


Thankfully, this sweet pup would be given another chance. One afternoon, Olena Kagui was scrolling Facebook when she found a photo of a particularly sad-looking pit bull puppy, reports The Dodo. It immediately caught her attention.

The photo had been posted by the shelter in an attempt to get the dog adopted. The clock was ticking for the tiny pup and the shelter staff were starting to lose hope. This photo was the dog's last hope.

Olena recounts, "I normally just scroll past as fast as I can. I love animals but I can't adopt all of them. I have to emotionally protect myself, you know? But at the same time... That face. It spoke to me. I had to do something." Olena rang the shelter and inquired about the dog, who the staff had named "Smiley." His name was an apt description.

This "pibble" was a naturally happy dog who loved smiling and meeting new friends. He was gentle, outgoing, and house-trained. Despite these wonderful characteristics, his spirit was breaking. He knew he was losing his chance.

Olena remembers crying hysterically thinking about the sad dog. Her husband was supportive but apprehensive, saying, "We just can't get a dog right now." However, he knew what saving this dog meant to his wife, so he agreed to foster the dog.

They worked with Pound Hounds Res-Q and fostered the adorable puppy. Within a few days, he had been checked over, neutered, and welcomed into his new temporary home. Smiley was happy but understandably scared. He had been betrayed by humans before, and it took him time to learn trust.

Thankfully, as the days ticked on, Smiley found it in his heart to trust again. He began making eye contact, snuggling, and watching TV on the couch with the family. They quickly realized that Smiley was destined to be a "foster failure," meaning that he wasn't a foster anymore–he was in his forever home. Smiley had found his people. Olena says, "Smiley is part of the family. He's in our hearts. Our home would be empty without him."

Smiley found a way to overcome the bad decisions of his horrible first owners and find a loving home. We're so thankful that he is safe and happy! What's your favorite story of a dog getting a second chance?

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